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Liquid Honesty/Courage?

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Hello and thanks in advance for your replies.


Just would like to say first off...A friend and I were talking about this the other day and I wanted to see what other people thought about the subject.


1. When intoxicated do you feel honesty comes out more, or is it more of a drunken memory loss, then you wake up and have no idea what you said, or you don't know why you said it.


2. If you think the answer to #1 is that feelings do come out, do you think drunken sex is a different thing?


Just wondering. Thanks!



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Originally posted by Kimi2464

1. When intoxicated do you feel honesty comes out more, or is it more of a drunken memory loss, then you wake up and have no idea what you said, or you don't know why you said it.


I wouldn't say that honesty comes out more. I have been in situations where I allowed the alcohol to affect how I responded to other people. While being intoxicated there may have been an attraction to someone simply because I was intoxicated and not necessarily because I liked that person. Alcohol impairs your judgment - it isn't necessarily a truth serum.

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Yeah I agree that judgement is impaired, but I know that when I get drunk, I can't keep my mouth shut, I am bullet proof and I worry about it the next day. I do think drunken sex is different because that is when judgement is the most impared. But for the most part you are incharge of yourself no matter what.

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I know for me it's like sodium pentothal...

I end up spuing from the mouth and almost always end up regretting it later.

I think just with like every other stimulant/depressant out there it effects different people in different ways...

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i have found myself brutally honest while intoxicated, and have told blatant lies.

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I think that honesty does come out when you are drunk in ways of words, however when you have sex with someone when you are drunk, then it is totally different because you have your beer goggles on.


I am not in love with my husband and while drunk I have told him that I DON'T love him but can have good sex with him when drunk. Actually, that is the only time I WOULD have sex with him. LOL!


I have also blurted out that I wanted to see "someone" to him and he would be like "who?".... so in meaning of words..... honesty does come out while drunk, but sexually...... just the beer goggles playing tricks on you.

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Originally posted by SexKitten

i have found myself brutally honest while intoxicated, and have told blatant lies.


Yes, as I'm sure most people have (including myself). Alcohol makes things even more confusing for everyone involved.

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My mother always used to say that "a drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts"...


And I think for once she may have been right.


I've often said far more than I have wanted to when I've been drunk... but hey, nothing too bad so far.


In some situations being drunk is helpful - it's a great social lubricant.


The very clever thing I need to learn is when to have that last drink... and to shut up.

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