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: Married Female Co-Worker Mixed signals


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Hi. I have been working at this office for almost a year. Around a month ago this female co-worker and me started escalating in touches and talking. She would sometimes playfully push me,touch/tap my shoulders a few times and also lightly push against each other's shoulders when we are close to each other. Whenever I joke she blushes. There are times when she initiated conversations and asked me for help. I then walk over to her table and talk to her with one hand resting on the table slightly slouching towards her. I have also placed my hand on top of hers when using the mouse (gently). We talk like we have known each other for so long. She also mostly plays or touches her hair when I talk to her. Just two days ago we held eye contact for around 4 seconds. One day when I approached her and she saw me coming she started arranging her hair. Then sometimes all of a sudden it's like we don't know each other we hardly talk for like a day or so and even if we do talk its without any emotions. Then again the next day we talk and stuff. I have been patiently reading her body language but sometimes it's hard to decipher and it's driving me crazy. At times I feel like letting it go and then I am pulled in again. She initiates most of the conversations between us. She is very responsive and her eyes tell a lot. As of late our conversatoins are escalating. Could you guys and girls help me out ?

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I plan on posting all my updates i wrote down in my diary.



Update (A few days ago):By the way i am in the office right now. I had borrowed a pen from her and she wanted it back. While handing her the pen i took it back at the last moment with a cocky funny look and she slapped me playfully on my shoulder. Hehe.


By the way my desk is L shaped (Joined by two seperate desks) and she came to discuss some issue with me and walked into the minimal space between where i sat and the desk. So to speak, she was lodged in between me and the desk and i leaned into her body (She was standing and i was sitting) and my hands and right shoulder was touching her thighs and waist. I got a rush of exhiliration and a hightened sense of sexual excitement that originated around my core between the chest and stomach and travelled to my penis. I got a tingling sensation on my penis like i wanted to orgasm and ejaculate. I never felt something like this so strong before in my life.


I am sure nothing is wrong with me and this is just sexual tension on the rise.

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Update: Yesterday towards the end of office hours while i was having a cup of coffee at one end of the office, she was working on a colleagues computer at the other end of the office (Office is not that big) i caught her looking at me. I held eye contact with her, she then looked down for a second or two and then looked back up into my eyes and we held eye contact again. I then walked over to her and started a conversation. It was a flirty conversation regarding office work. I swear i could feel something from her. I think her eye contact is a sign of attraction. I could see it in her eyes. Something is going on here.

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Update: Today. Regular conversations between her and me and some clients with intermittent smiles from her from time to time. Semi long eye contact between us (seems like trying to ignite yesterdays fire)

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Update: At the moment many clients visiting the office. Haven't had any clear moments with her. Just a few work conversations with a smile here and there.

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Update: Some clients left and she had free time. She walked around the office and on the way back she was close to my desk and her body was turned towards me. I took that as a sign that i should initiate a conversation and i did. She responded positively. I was sitting and she was standing during the conversation looking at each other. It's lunch time now.

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Update: Came back from lunch and was busy with some clients. Clients left and during that time she asked me for some help. It was something she knew but nevertheless asked me for my help. I went over to her desk and helped her type the information in her gmail message which she was typing to her client. While I was typing my left arm was near hear face and her hair was gently breezing through my arm. It felt good. We had a conversation amongst ourselves (employees).

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She is MARRIED. Do you have a question in there somewhere?



I am giving some updates i had written on my diary about her. I am obsessed about her. i want her.

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Update: I ordered a hot cup of coffee and sat directly opposite her and started a conversation with her. We momentarily touches fingers while pointing at a brochure. I still can't exactly read her. Sometimes she seems really into me and sometimes I just get a feeling I am being pushed back. Anyways I am putting myself out there and find out what happens. Whatever it is I am prepared. It's a good experience for me. Hope things turn out for the best. Keeping my fingers crossed.


Damn this feeling. It's like this lingering, bothering piece of sh*t that needs to be taken care of before I get myself settled and onto better things. Or is it just going to be this viscious cycle of going to and fro without any resolute advances or conclusion. Damn you my feelings or is this something worth experiencing once you look back at all your experiences in life.

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Update: Came into the office and only she was there. I swear we could hear a pin drop silence. We didn't exchange words. Later on the other two employees came over and she still didn't talk to them. It was like she was in an apprehensive mood or something. Maybe i am sending over mixed signals from my side as well because i don't normally go over and talk all the time. I maintain my sense of mystery as well. I don't let myself be too available as well due to many reasons, one being the one i mentioned earlier as well as some insecurities that i have. Maybe she feels confused as well from my side. By the way the phone rang (The phone is away from both our desks) and after around 3 to 4 rings both of us were getting up to answer the phone but midway standing up i looked back with the intention that she should go pick up the phone. When i looked back she was smiling at me and on the way to answering the phone she slapped me playfully on the shoulder. It was an exaggerated long swing of her right arm right across my left shoulder with a huge smile on her face (Her eyes twinkled).

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I am giving some updates i had written on my diary about her. I am obsessed about her. i want her.


There is a journal feature here, FYI.

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Update: She was standing near me and the two of us were having a conversation with clients. We felt like a team trying to support each other during our conversation. For a brief moment she turned towards me and started arranging her dress stating that she is arranging her dress for me. I think it's subconscious. A great sign of attraction. Brief moments of intermittent conversations between us and her always smiling with a twinkle in her eyes. During one moment i went over to her and started a conversation. She was sitting and i was standing. During our conversation she was playing with her hair. During walkbys across my desk she looks at my direction. The whiff of scent from her hair turns me on.

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Update: She needed some information on a client and came to my desk in the same corner where she was lodged a few days back. She took the register and while she was flipping through the pages we had a little conversation. Our bodies were touching each other.

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Update: Came back from lunch. While I was on the phone she came into the office and straight away she scanned me from top to bottom with an inquisitive look on her face.



Update: We were having a talk while she was passing by my desk. On the way I turned towards her with my left arm hanging outside the chair. When she walked past me she ran one finger of her left hand across my forearm. It was a prominent touch I swear. I wanted to touch her back and slightly grazed her back thigh with the outside of my palm.



Update: After the previous incident we also talked about what she had for lunch and the type of food she likes. A little flirty banter here and there during the conversation.



Update: She's been busy with clients since the last conversation. During this whole time she passed by my desk once and made a comment to me stating she's dizzy eating something. I didn't even have time to make a response.



Update: Had a short brief conversation with her while her client was busy filling a form.



Update: We had a nice casual conversation and she asked me about my cycling when I joined the office new so I asked her too if she knew how to cycle. The conversation led from there to other topics and finally it led to work related topics. She initiates conversations with me without any hesitation and I feel more confident in my approach towards her. While I was standing next to her while she was sitting at her desk I bent over and could smell the freshness from her hair. It was so soothing. She was also playing and fixing her hair during our conversation. Good eye contact throughout the conversation from both me and her.

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You really should let this go. She is married and you dont know how her relationship is going wioth her significant other. For he may be busy or away and she is feeling she needs a bit of attention.


So to stroke her ego. Shes getting attention for you.


I ve seen this happen before with a colleague of mine. wanted all the attention and when she got it. She filed for sexual harrassment.


You need to watch where you are going with this and anything she does is YOUR intrepretation.


I had a female friend of mine who had a colleague who kept on doing her favours and getting all his attention. She flirted with him. I asked if she saw him as a potential partner but she said no. She just liked the attention.


Please foucs on someone who is available and not from work. Do you fancy a disciplinary?

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Update: She was just walking around the office and casually started a conversation with me while she was standing. I did the same while holding my cup of coffee. We had a nice conversation regarding her friends from her batch in college and the work they were involved in and the tours they were going to.



Update: We had a long conversation again. It was one of the best conversations we had. It felt close. We talked about random topics and we talked about holidays as well. I told her that I will one day take my wife to Paris and she told me that It would be nice to be my wife. Hehe. Before she left she also told me that she was supposed to leave by 3 pm but talking to me she left late. I end the day on a positive note.


P.S - She was playing with her hair the whole time.



Update: She's back in the office today. Clients were waiting in the office too. One was waiting for me. Fridays and Saturdays in the office are casual clothes days. We don't have to wear our national uniform. I usually wear a casual tight fit shirt but today i am wearing my leather jacket (Zara) over my tight fit shirt. i want to give an impression of a bad boy. Nice guys finish last. They always do. Haven't spoken a word with her yet. Let's see what unfolds today between me and her.



Update: Yes !!!!! Our first interaction of the day. She asked me about my laptop charger. Apparently we need to work together to complete some accounts. Hopefully we can sit close to each other. I will update on that later once i am complete with it.



Update: Another short conversation i initiated regarding a client to her. I turned around to initiate a conversation. She immediately responded (A good sign) and we talked. I observed a half smile from her and her almost dry hair from her morning wash provides an air of freshness to my senses (Sight and sixth). I don't know why she is wearing her national dress today (Fridays and Saturdays are causal clothes days). However she is wearing a semi deep blue (In between sky blue and deep blue) colored cardigan (The buttoned ones) tucked around her body, complimented by a black semi tight shirt.

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Update: She apparently heard me ask another female co-worker (whom i don't even have the slightest inclination of attraction towards) for help. After the female co-worker left she came over and asked me what is wrong. I told her so and she helped me complete my objective. We were so close to each other, she was chewing a gum and i could smell the freshness of her breath that delighted my olfactory senses.



Update: We had another conversation. The conversation first started off with office work and then gradually shifted towards her personal home details. She told me why she took an off day yesterday. Our talks are getting more personal.


P.S She played with her hair again while we were talking. Good eye contact.



Update: No interaction between us for a while now since many clients need attention. Just handed her a calculator during this whole time period.



Update: Today seems to be a very busy day for the both of us. Haven't had any time to talk to each other. The only meaningful conversation we had was before lunch in the previous update. We haven't even had time to do accounts together where I hoped we could spend some time together.



Update: Was talking to a client and she interjected our conversation. It was something regarding what she knew about the client. She replied with a big smile on her face and the twinkle in her eyes I am familiar with. The semi deep blue cardigan with the black shirt matches her skin tone flawlessly. She has a fair skin tone.

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Update: Boss came in to office today. He does not come everyday. It's a different office setting. When he came in I got up as a sign of respect. I then capitalized on the opportunity to walk over and talk to her. I wanted to discuss an issue regarding a holiday on Monday and whether some clients from abroad were coming over. While having the chat I was standing over her and she was looking up to me. She had applied eye shadow on her eyes and that made her look so beautiful, angel like (not pure ofcourse). Her eyes are reminiscent of a black hole that sucks my helpless soul into an infinite inescapable darkness only I would understand far beyond the rationality of the human mind. Then boss called her and she is now with the boss talking about work.



Update: I needed gluestick (work related) so I went searching around the office. I went around her desk searching her cupboards. She asked me what I needed and I told her that I needed a gluestick. She searched for it and handed me the gluestick. While retrieving the gluestick from her I made sure our fingers touched each others. It was such an exhilarating feeling. It's an addiction and I need this hit from her from time to time, similar to a drug addicts requirements for hits between regular intervals. If not then I start getting anxious and overly obsessive about her (I hide all these feelings. I look normal on the outside, you wouldn't even be able to tell if you saw me). It's like I want to brigde the gap between fantasy (obsession) and reality (sleeping with her) sooner or later as and when it's convenient.



Update: She is still in the boss's office. I subtly (without other employees noticing or garnering their attention) tried eavesdropping on them while on my way to collect the printed papers from the printer. The printer is located near the corner of the office adjacent to the bathroom. I couldn't hear a word.



Update: She is constantly in an out of the bosses office. No opportunities to talk to her per se. I will have to make one.



Update: Boss called us all into the office. When we were told to come in by a senior female co-worker my target gave me an inviting sexual look indicating "Oh we have to go to the bosses office, he's calling us". We sat next to each other in the bosses office during our discussion and made eye contact from time to time. Couldn't get good time to conversate with her today and work time is almost over.



Update: She just got out of the meeting with boss. I was relieved 5 minutes before her. When she came out she looked into my eyes and heaved a sigh of relief. I could see that her eyes were genuine and pleased to look at me. I asked her "Tired ?". I didn't get a reply, probably from being pre-occupied by an approaching client who had questions for her.



Update: A great sign of attraction from her. She sat near me at my desk and rested her head on both her palms (akin to a princess falling in love with the prince in a Disney movie) and started talking to me. We had a nice conversation. I feel she is being pulled by my mysterious charm but I must maintain my elusiveness and not reveal my deepest and innermost thoughts prematurely, only when the time is right. She feels more close to me and is showing her vulnerable side to me. It will only be a matter of time before I escalate my romance with her to the physical level.


P.S - I end the day on a positive note.



Update on yesterday: I tried logging on yesterday but I couldn't for some reason. I was beginning to get worried I would not be able to journal my feelings for her and that my emotional outlet would be bottled up within me. I was getting lost emotionally and I was beginning to ponder and question my obsession for her and whether it was over between me and her. It's crazy. I was holding on to the last thread of hope between me and her and trying to find alternative means of getting to be together. It was like journaling my feelings here inPEGym made me feel that much closer to her.



Update: Today is a Sunday and tomorrow is a national holiday so I won't have any updates regarding us. However, yesterday (Saturday) was a half day and we had some work together at the bank. I went early and got two coupons for the two of us. She joined me a few minutes later. She sat opposite me and we started a conversation. Our conversation started off with regular work scenarios, a little bit of gossip here and there and talked about a few personal topics as well. There were times during our conversation when the words that were being spoken to me did not register inside my head and the only thing I noticed was her beautiful face in front of me. I scanned her face from her eyes (those beautiful eyes, the deep abyss of my soul where it lays entrapped. She had applied the same eyeshadow from the previous day), then down the ridge of her nose (perfectly shaped) and then all the way south to her luscious, sweet, delectable and alluring pink lips accented by a translucent pink lip gloss. She was wearing a pink loose fitting pullover which gave her fair skin an almost pinkish tinge. Her diminutive, slight, tender and almost anorexic frame would perfectly compliment my raw brute and muscular body in bed.

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Update: Back in the office today after 3 days of no interactions with my target. I could get a sense of control from her absence the past few days but i don't know what's going to happen once i am back in her perimeter. I entered the office and went straight to the bathroom to arrange my hair and set it back in place with water (The walk from the parking lot to the office can get windy sometimes). I didn't have time to notice her as i will be doing that later on. However, i could see that she was attending a client. Let's see what unfolds between us today. I am curious. Maybe the past three days have let some of the fire out from her and she's questioning her own sanity and how she's been leading me on the past couple of weeks. These short breaks from each other creates some sort of awkwardness between us that needs to be bridged. I have absolutely no idea how to read her or her thoughts. I wish i could, then all of this would be over. Maybe it's the perfect push-pull technique that nature intends for us before our interactions escalate to a physical level. Maybe i need to be more outgoing, maybe what i am doing is just perfect because it creates tension in our relationship (not platonic yet not sexual .... yet) and tension is always good in creating attraction between males and females (between us in this case. Just the two of us).



Update: She initiated the conversation yet again. It's always her who initiates the conversations (atleast 70% of the time). It was regarding the bank work we did three days ago on Saturday. We had a minor conversation and i could see that her eyebrows were slightly raised when talking to me (A sign of attraction). Her eyes were glowing when she looked into my eyes (according to my perception). She seems responsive to what i am saying (as always so far). She also came over to my desk asking for gluestick (work related). When i handed her the glue our fingers touched each others.



Update: By the way she came over to my desk just next to me a while ago and asked me about a spelling on a bill due from a restaurant (for an office dinner around two weeks ago). The word spelt clearly "Due" in another person's handwriting, it couldn't have been more straight forward to read it. Nevertheless she came over and asked me about it. I took a look at the bill and confirmed the word to her. I think it was an excuse for her to get close to me and initiate a conversation. I think she missed being close to me.



Update: Some of the futile attempts to make a move on her by these so called clients are just so hilarious.



Update: Our conversations are picking up momentum. She again asked me about an inquiry she had with another client. I could see an honest look of surprise and delight on her face when she was talking to me. She seems more comfortable talking to me.



Update: Our interactions are getting more frequent and i like it. Just the way i hoped it would be. We are going in the right direction. On the way to the printer/phone at the other end of the office she looked back and mentioned something to me. She pursed her lips slightly during our interaction and went over to the printer/phone.


We have a senior co-worker with a Lan-line phone on her table ringing incessantly from time to time. She went over to answer the phone and we started off joking to each other. While she was caressing the phone on her left cheek and waiting a response from the person at the other end of the line she gave me a sexual look (by my perception) for a second or two at max and then immediately looked down (A definite sign of attraction). It turned me on. I think she has a lot to do with this obsession between me and her. I am the type of person if a woman gives me some sort of attention (and she is attractive) i dive in deep.



Update: Attending a horde of clients. No time to talk to her over the past hour. An hour left for lunch time.



Update: Some flirty banter between us in the presence of a client. She was joking to me whether she should be doing my work and i told her she should go ahead and do it. Again after a while she came over to my desk and started flirting with me. She touched me a few times on my shoulder. She is getting really touchy with me recently. We had a few work conversations with the client and everytime she talks to me i feel her flirting with me. I am enjoying it and so is she. During one such conversation she told me that the client will now be bothering me since her part of the work is over. I then told the client to also call her a few times and bother her as well (In a cocky and funny way). She was giggling like a little girl. Sometimes i wonder how her married life is ? What is going on between her husband and her. Is she being emotionally neglected by him or even being taken for granted by him ? Maybe i am filling the emotional void (I'd love to fill her physical void) created by her husband which she is so desperate to fill. Is her marriage fading away or is the 3 year itch at play here or are they the same thing ? A 3 year itch because the marriage is fading away. She revealed in the past that she would quarrel and fight with her husband and curse each other (I can't reckon how serious their fights are). More than that I wonder how her sex life is. How often do they have sex ? Once a month, twice a month ? Is she satisfied ? I can do better than her husband, if she gives me a chance. I wonder how her home life is ? I wonder what shes does when she is at home. How she passes her free time. Does she even think about me as much as i do about her ? There have been times on the way to my office I would take a look at her home, a small old, not dilapidated building (She's not rich) and wonder what she is doin. Her home is along the route towards office.



Update: Too busy with clients with the both of us. Feel like puking, i haven't had a hit from her for a while now. No flirting from both sides.



Update: She came over to chit chat with me. I tried to make my voice appealing to her while talking to her. During the conversation i whispered to her to lure her closer to me and she did exactly that (not too close. She just bent her neck down and slouched slightly towards me). At that moment a client came and interrupted our close moment together.



Update: She came over to my desk and offered me a chewing gum. I gladly took it and started a conversation with her again. A brief moment later she sat down on her desk. I decided then that i should put in some effort too into our early romance, so i got up, slowly walked towards the window, looked out for a short while (I couldn't care what i was looking at, all i could think of was initiating a conversation with her) and then turned back and initiated a conversation with her (Her desk is situated near the window). For a moment during our conversation we held eye contact for 3 seconds. She was looking up to me and i was looking down at her. It felt intimate. I am enjoying the attention from her and she as well from me.

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Update: Stuck at the office. A client from abroad is in a meeting. Just talked to her a few times since my last update. Nothing too flirty about it. Just regular talk. No touching from her since then.


Sometimes she tends to look in my direction while walking close by to me.



Update: She's sharing more intimate details about her home life. She just told me that her father wants her to recharge his phone with credits. She's gone out but will be back in a while I am sure.




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Update: Yesterday while picking up a document she leaned over so far into the desk adjacent to her desk it made her national dress caress the sweet gentle curves of her buttocks (Those sweet voluptious buttocks i would love to devour). The slit of her national dress parted at the bottom revealing her left ankle and some of her calves. Never did an ankle turn me on so much. I want to part her sweet fur burger for my ultimate pleasure.

Edited by Sir_Laid_A_Lot
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You really should let this go. She is married and you dont know how her relationship is going wioth her significant other. For he may be busy or away and she is feeling she needs a bit of attention.


So to stroke her ego. Shes getting attention for you.


I ve seen this happen before with a colleague of mine. wanted all the attention and when she got it. She filed for sexual harrassment.


You need to watch where you are going with this and anything she does is YOUR intrepretation.


I had a female friend of mine who had a colleague who kept on doing her favours and getting all his attention. She flirted with him. I asked if she saw him as a potential partner but she said no. She just liked the attention.


Please foucs on someone who is available and not from work. Do you fancy a disciplinary?



I just want to take my chances and see where it goes. No worries here.

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I just want to take my chances and see where it goes. No worries here.


You have this backed up elsewhere, I hope? Would hate to see it lost. :)

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Update: She left office early today. I turned back to talk to her before she left with my left arm hanging outside the stiff back of the wooden chair which has a cushion where i sit. She slightly/gently made sure she touches my arm with the outside of her fingers.

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