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Does this guy seem interested? I am NERVOUS!!!HELP!!!


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Ok now, here is my situation, and I need your honest opinions to let me know whether or not you think this guy is into me or not. Here it goes:


There is this guy that I see almost everyday. He works at my job but in a totally different department as I do. I work in a daycare center that is attached to a health club. I go to the health club quite frequently to take the kids swimming and to do other fun things. I started this job around October of last year. I always saw this guy there (he's a personal trainer). I never thought anything of him because he just didn't seem like my type and he looked like he wouldn't have any interest in me.


But around January, I noticed that he had been paying attention to me a lot more than he used to. I still didn't think anything of it until a few more months went by. The same thing would happen that he would stare at me all the time, doing double takes with me and all. In April sometime I had just walked into the health club and I didn't look at him right away but when I turned to look at him, he looked me right in the eye and smiled and it was an expression that I had only previously seen in one of my ex boyfirend's eyes when we did it for the first time. I melted when he did this and ever since that look, I have NOT been able to get this man out of my head!


Prior to the "melting look", we would say hello's and how you doing's and it seemed that every day would bring me closer to him. When he would be working with a client, he would stop doing what he is doing just to say "hello" to me. He would even turn to look at me as I would be leaving even though he had a client. All of this got my brain thinking that he may be interested but I still didn't want to "be let down" if he wasn't so I left my guard up.


Things were getting a little more obvious, he would start coming into my section of the building, which he didn't do before. He would go out of his way to make his presence known. He would start waving at me all the time and so forth. So now I have these feelings for him.


Just recently (two weeks ago) he asked me why he hadn't seen me work out at the health club. I told him that I am shy. He said that he could help me out with the shyness. He would be my trainer and try not to make me feel intimidated. I said I would call him and he said no problem. The next day I emailed him because he had given me his email address the day before. I said I would like to join. He emailed me back and told me he would be more than happy to help me out. He said it didn't look like I was in bad shape but that he would like to work with me.


So I said that I am not sure yet when I could come in because of my schooling. He gave me his schedule and told me to call anytime. He really wanted me to call him to set something up. So I found one day last week to set something up and I did. But when I called him to do so, he said that we should talk. I was really nervous now that he said that.


So I went in and I felt weird because I have this massive crush on the guy and he really did make me feel comfortabel. But we didn't really talk like he said so I am not sure what that was all about. So, now every time I come in he always asks me when I am gonna come in to workout. I should call him when I do. And don't think that this was about commission because he didn't charge me a dime. He said I could do it a couple times and deicide later on if I want a full membership.


Every single day he sees me he wants to know when I am coming in. He still gives me these sexy looks that make me melt. We email each other once in a while and he always gives me compliments but not quite direct compliments. Like he said in one "I bet you got a good tan over the weekend", and "see you soon", " you look like you're in such good shape", he also jokes around with me a lot too.


So does it sound like he's interested??? I am always so nervous when I think of him and I think of him a lot. He is seven years older than I am and I was in a relationship with someone who was seven years older and he was incredible. I can't quite explain it, this man makes me melt, his eyes are peircing and gorgeous.


When I get replies, I have more to the story. So at this point just let me know if he sounds interested. Thanks!

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It sounds like he could be interested. I mean if he didn't charge you anything to join then maybe he does like you!

You should maybe wait a little while longer to see if there are more hints that he is then ask him out. Make sure he isn't married or attached.


It's always exciting to want to know if that person likes you. Especially when you have a crush on them. I have a crush on someone at work but he and I are both married and I have been getting good posts from others, so you should get some responses too. Good luck!

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