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So before I get a bunch of answers I don't want let me tell you the kinds of input I'm searching for. I want unbiased answers and opinions about the questions im going to ask, not looking for stuff related to me diving into her past and why I shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't have (I know that) but I already did..


So now for the juicy stuff..


I have been single for quite some time and have had casual flings for that time. The girl I'm seeing started off as a casual fling but I started catching feelings... So did she. Now we are dating exclusively and are working towards a relation ship.


That's the background


Now for the real content


So I asked her about who she has hooked up with, she told me it's been less than 10 casual flings and they were only once each bc of horniness. She has had only one boyfriend (bad breakup and has had a lot going on since.. Family problems and the such) and has never had or given oral. Totally acceptable... But bc I overthink things too damn much I have questions in my head... Is what she telling me the truth or did she lower the number of guys to not seem slutty? If she let me get in her pants as well as these other guys without commitment, is she easy? Can I trust her if she's out with friends drinking? (She's very flirty and touchy when she drinks). Not that it matters (more of a trust issue) has she really not given oral? (she gave me head and she was good). Now keep in mind that this will not affect my decision to keep pursuing her in a slow manner but I'm a very curious being and just want outsiders unbiased opinions about my questions at hand.


Now, I do know that she has genuine interest in me bc she has showed it and the fact that she is choosing me as a someone to take serious after everything she has been through makes me feel special. She's an amazing girl but there are times when I think she's not 100% trustworthy. (Might be my insecurities) but I'm really trying to get over these questions so I resorted to random strangers on the web! Thanks for all your input!

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If you can't trust her just based on this, that is your issue of insecurity. Women are human too. If you want one who likes sex, chances are she's had some partners. If you don't want someone who has had partners, maybe you should opt for someone who isn't very into sex. Her number, to me, is low, but just depends on her age. Having had some number of partners doesn't mean someone will cheat. But first, of course, you have to have a committed relationship, or you can't even expect fidelity.

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So when you were simply banging, her number/ trustworthiness didn't matter but now that it's possibly a relationship, your qualifications for a girlfriend are different?


Honestly it's your insecurities but you may just want to be keep it casual cause these thoughts aren't going to magically disappear and this girl probably has trust issues in relationships that dealing with your insecurities wouldn't help.

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If she let me get in her pants as well as these other guys without commitment, is she easy? Can I trust her if she's out with friends drinking? (She's very flirty and touchy when she drinks).


Are you easy? Can she trust you?

You have a past history of casual flings does that make you a poor risk?

Why are you obsessing over her numbers?

You could meet Miss Prim tomorrow and she may have a far higher number and never tell you the truth and be far less trustworthy too.

This girl is a sexually active female, you are a sexually active male, it s what it is.

She has caught feelings, you have caught feelings, try not to over analyse and ruin things.

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The deeper you dig, the more unhappy you will become.


That wouldn't apply to everyone, but it does apply to you.


You're cooking a dish you can't digest.


Stop it if you can.



take care.

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Shes flirty, you guys are half casual, and youre worried now whether you can trust her or not.


It seems you like her quite a bit but afraid of getting hurt?


You know exactly what to expect from a girl like this. Only thing to do is to try, and see what happens. Just prepare for the worst and hope for the best. If you do get hurt then you probably know it yourself, that she was bound to do something like that.


Anyways in my experience, girls who get hurt sometimes have less regard for guys feelings, especially slutty girls.

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