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Your kids or OW. Hobson's choice. You won't be happy with either choice and you won't be happy doing nothing. So, tell your BW the whole story and she'll make at least part of the choice. If, however, OW has in fact moved on, you'll have nowhere to turn. And don't expect the unquestioning support or gratitude of your kids, either, even if you become Superdad now that you have a whole lot more free time on your hands to be with them instead of with OW.


I think the only thing you can do is decide, independent of OW, whether you want to remain married or not. If you don't, then end the marriage. No need for further confession of marital sins as that won't relieve your guilt and will only make BW feel worse for being fooled,for so long. Relieve your guilt other ways.


If you do want to remain married, you must end the affair mentality with OW.

Check out OM/OW section here and start reading threads many of which provide advise to OW about how to forget about AP. You can focus on those advising a married cheater how to do this. Maybe your IC can help,,too.


I think you fully realize you can't stay in Limbo forever. That's a start, but the hard decision still faces you. Good luck in your journey.

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If the thread starter wants this thread reopened then alert on my post and we will do so, thanks all who participated

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