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"UPDATE" girlfriend is too controling,more like parental figure in the way PLEASE READ


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We met tonight and had a serious talk and i used the advice you all gave me but i don't know if she understands. I am her first everything including her first kiss. I teached her all she knows. her family is so screwed up, Example "her dad lives in the basement, her mom lives upstairs with the boyfriend, sister and my girlfriend. her mother has one kid with the boyfriend and another already on the way and the boyfriend and her father work together. I feel from talking to her tonight that she is alone i am the only thing she has and that from what i know her family does not seem to care about her by the way she talks and her emotions and feels that i am the only one to get her away from all of this as soon as possible but our fights is the only way she feels that she gets attention. I know for a fact that she loves me with all her heart but never having anyone love her or tell her what love is she does'nt know how to love someone. SO we are taking time apart to correct our mistakes and i hope we can then get back together and take it one day at a time Because i love her and tonight i see it's not all her and my fault BUT the fact that her parents never really cared for her like they should of. If anyone has any more questions let me know thanks p.i.p.

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