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He only presumed they were dating exclusively


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I hear a lot of stories from women that had bad dating experience based mainly on the fact the guy assumed they were both exclusive.


For instance, I had a female friend that had been on 5 dates with a guy. The third date she was his "date" to an event of friends and collegues he knew personally.


A lot of them were vocally saying, "Hey, you picked a winner, seems like a nice girl...way to go!"


He was getting a lot of "attaboys" for his "new girlfriend." Supposedly.


And from HER point of view, she was panicked, thinking, "Is this guy telling his friends I'm his new g/f only after 5 dates?"


Anyhow, I hear a lot of stories FROM women where they thought the men "moved too fast"... like in this case, where his friends automatically thought they were an exclusive couple.


How often have you seen this occur on your end? Is it quite common?


I've seen cases like this quite often where the guy assumed some kind of exclusivity or declared to his friends, "I have a girlfriend" when they didn't actually have the "exclusive" talk.

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