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difference between being called "cute" or "hot?"


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so is there a difference if a girl calls you cute or hot? or do they mean the same thing to a female? i find that some of the younger girls like to call guys cute, while the older girls use hot/attractive.


just wondering

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"Cute" is a guy I find attractive in general.

"Hot" is a guy that I'm attracted to and want to sleep with.

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My friend sums it up this way.


Cute = Good personality, possibly datable

Hot = Would love to bang boots given the opportunity

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i've always wondered this too

i hate being called cute when a girl says this to me i feel like she is comparing me to a puppy or a baby........

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Cute=The way your nostrils flare when your nervous.

Hot=Running an ice cube all over our body on a hot summer day.

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Cute is " i wanna marry you and take you home to meet my father"


Hot is : "i wanna fu_k your brains out, right here, and then my sister wants to meet you ;) "

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Hot is : "i wanna fu_k your brains out, right here, and then my dad wants to meet you


:laugh: And then take you back upstairs and do a repeat performance!

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Originally posted by laRubiaBonita

Cute is " i wanna marry you and take you home to meet my father"


Hot is : "i wanna fu_k your brains out, right here, and then my sister wants to meet you ;) "




so i guess being called cute is a good thing

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Originally posted by NTB





so i guess being called cute is a good thing


I just depends on your goal.

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sorry, but you have to ask or just keep wondering. women are to different from each other. some use the same words to mean different things. there are regional differences. cute in one city may be interpreted as hot in another. whatever it is, i wouldn't take it offensively, unless she started trying to scratch you behind your ears, or change your diaper... unless your into that kinda stuff ;)

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