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Major pillock moment!

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So a couple weeks back I got off with a blondie on a club night. My game was tight and she was asking if we could meet up the following Saturday.

She handed be her number and asked for mine.


She sent me a text at 3:30am the same night asking "Hey where are you?! Xx".


For some reason I didn't answer.


I guess I was embarrassed at how I had acted with her, or maybe because I couldn't remember her face. She's hot, I was a mug.


Is it far too late to get in contact?

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I hope not no, but make up a ridiculous excuse, like James Bond got a stomach bug and you had to step in and save the world from the evil Count Messeditupagain...


And hope she has a sense of humour.


Then text a second one, and apologise, seriously, telling her some life-stuff came up and you got distracted.


Or something.

How would she feel about a date....?


Good luck, pillock.

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I hope not no, but make up a ridiculous excuse, like James Bond got a stomach bug and you had to step in and save the world from the evil Count Messeditupagain...


And hope she has a sense of humour.


Then text a second one, and apologise, seriously, telling her some life-stuff came up and you got distracted.


Or something.

How would she feel about a date....?


Good luck, pillock.


I might as well just go for it. I suppose I've got nothing to lose and it's the summer soon!

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Darren Steez

A couple of weeks with no reply and you're asking if it's too late?


What exactly were you embarrassed about if your game was "tight"?


You could text her back but then you're most probably going to try and come up with a BS excuse instead of just being forthright. You like you and got off with you for a reason. If she does ask, just say you were incredibly busy and needed to get some stuff out the way. She wants/wanted to have fun.


If your game is so tight then you will use this to your advantage, if she's still interested.

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