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can someone help me clarify this?

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My boyfriend has a laid back attitude, tonight he had a meeting in the residence hall where he lives and assists other students. I wasn't at the meeting but after he finished the meeting, we were talking and he told me that one of his co worker another girl who he had a few work problems with but he still talks to her, sat on his left leg because there were no more chairs. This girl never hits on him she even has a boyfriend but i felt uncomfortable knowing that she was sitting on his left leg throught the meeting. He complained that his leg felt asleep . well, i need someone to tell me if this is okay or what should i do?

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If he has ever cheated on you in the past it is wrong. if he never cheated on you it is wrong also. Do you really belive that there was no more chairs? more like he was afraid you would find out frome someone else so he told you to make it seem as if he don't care. If there was no more chairs he should of stood up and gave her his out of politeness and not sit on his lap. i belive that is wrong.

My boyfriend has a laid back attitude, tonight he had a meeting in the residence hall where he lives and assists other students. I wasn't at the meeting but after he finished the meeting, we were talking and he told me that one of his co worker another girl who he had a few work problems with but he still talks to her, sat on his left leg because there were no more chairs. This girl never hits on him she even has a boyfriend but i felt uncomfortable knowing that she was sitting on his left leg throught the meeting. He complained that his leg felt asleep . well, i need someone to tell me if this is okay or what should i do?
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Yep, sounds wrong to me too... maybe it's a sign of lack or committment or something... take it easy - and if i were u, i'd make sure i'd inform him of something RLLY FUN you did with some other guy...


heh, good luck!

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YOU WRITE: "i felt uncomfortable knowing that she was sitting on his left leg throught the meeting. He complained that his leg felt asleep."


Any girl with a degree of intelligence would have realized that her prolonged weight resting on his left leg would cut off the circulation. You have an absolute right to be angry that she did not either shift to the right leg or alternate between his legs.


Your boyfriend is also at fault here for not telling her to move to his other leg.


You should have a talk with the girl and discuss the biology of human blood circulation. Better yet, tell her next time to go find a chair somewhere or sit on the floor...or your leg will kick her butt.

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Most companies have strict rules about touching and things like that. I don't think most employers would encourage something like that. I would be a little suspicious. hmmmmmm.

My boyfriend has a laid back attitude, tonight he had a meeting in the residence hall where he lives and assists other students. I wasn't at the meeting but after he finished the meeting, we were talking and he told me that one of his co worker another girl who he had a few work problems with but he still talks to her, sat on his left leg because there were no more chairs. This girl never hits on him she even has a boyfriend but i felt uncomfortable knowing that she was sitting on his left leg throught the meeting. He complained that his leg felt asleep . well, i need someone to tell me if this is okay or what should i do?
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Yeah, I feel that this is innapropriate, but I wouldn't make a HUGE deal out of it. Tell him how you feel, and then let it be like water off a duck's back.


It sounds to me that he didn't have any intentions with this thing. She sounds like a dirtbag, too.

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