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Does This Guy Not Want to Go Out with Me or?

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A couple of weeks ago I posted this:


Please can someone help me. There is this guy at work who's really cute, last week he placed his hand on my shoulder and gently squeezed and asked how I was and if I was alright.


The following day I was in his building and I noticed him down the corridor when he heard me come in he came rushing down to say hello and ask how I was. Having spoken to my friends they all said that it sounds like he likes me.


I went into his building again today and was taking random photos of the guys when I got to him he went really embrassed. He hardly spoke to me whether that is due to the other guys being there (as before it was just me and him) or what I do not know.


Please can someone tell me what signals are what as I am so confused.


At the weekend I decided to write the guy a letter basically asking if he would like to go out for a drink some time, with my mobile number so he can contact me.


I managed to give him the letter yesterday, so far I haven't heard anything from him. As far as I know he hasn't thrown the letter away (well he hasn't thrown it away at work anyway)


I saw him this morning and he made a point of saying hello to me, but didn't say anything about the letter.


I am so confused as I don't know if I was imagining all the signs (which I know I didn't) and that he is not interested or if he is to shy to say anything to me.


Can someone please help me.



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Max Overclock

Thing is, you've done just what you should have. You liked him, you expressed clearly that you liked him, and wondered if he wanted to go out for a chat.


There could be a million reasons as to why he never "took the bait." (And.... he just might not have bitten yet ... he may be weighing the situation ... thinking about the work relationship, etc. etc.) Is it possible he may have not opened it yet? Who knows? He may have gotten distracted by something/someone right after talkin' to ya ... put it aside, and ... well ... y'know how those things go. :)


In any event, wait a couple days, see if he mentions it. If not, just ask if he had a chance to read your letter yet? You may (if he's the shy type) may have to ask him what he thought about it, etc., but ... at least then you'll know for sure. :)


Nonetheless, no matter how it goes, I congratulate you! ... you took the first step when you saw the guy you wanted to get to know better ... you go girl! ;)

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Yes, I totally agree that you did a courageous thing by confronting him about your feelings for him. Sounds like he likes you, or maybe is intrigued with you.

However, I have known a guy in work that was so completely flirty with me it was disgusting, after he knew I liked him, and nothing progressed. In fact, I believe he has a girlfriend.


This leads me to believe, a lot of guys like the attention a girl gives them, or they may get off on knowing you like them, but it may never progress into anything further.


This is NOT meant to burst your bubble. Just giving you a heads up because this is what some guys are capable of. However, he may never have read the letter yet.


Just think of it this way. You don't know what his situation is... he may have just gotten out of a relationship, or is in the middle of something going on with family, or whatever. There could be a million reasons. Maybe he thinks he likes you, but has to make sure, just so it wouldn't be weird at work between the two of you if it didn't work out.


Really at this point, though, all you can do is wait. Good luck, though.

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