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Drama, Drama, Drama!!!

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Iam 16 years old...and of all my years of school iam in between the groups (not a prep and not a geek). The thing is, what i have realized is that there is always these preppy girls that seem to have control over the few guys in their crew.

I don't know how the girls get the guys, but the guys listen to what the girls say..and some of the guys dont even like those girls..but why wouldn't they just leave the girls?


It really doesn't make sense to me at all. It's bugging me because there is this one guy that keeps watching me, and he doesn't want me to go out with other guys, but it's not like he's saying anything to me that he likes me. I really don't like this, but i just dont understand why the guys are listening to the girls.


It's like they dont have a life of there own. And the girls are sooo stuck up that the guys can only go out with them, but the guys aren't happy..and you can really tell...especially the one iam close to because he's not happy at all..he even said that. He pretty much told me and his friends that he likes me, but whats he scared of? Do the girls have some secrets about him? Is he worried about if his friends will ditch him? Or is he just playing me? Some times it seems like he's playing me, but other times it doesn't seem like that.


He could also be worried they would break us up...

And he is the reason i dont get along with these girls because he kept watching me and they saw and his friends all know something and now the girls hate me, and try to rip my dress, and hit me with things. They also get the guys that are really devoted to them to try and hurt me. It's only me though...why? And iam worried that they may succeed in hurting me bad. They tried soo many things..and now i dont want to go back to school or walk around because i dont want them to try anything. I dont want to be hurt and what if they come after my friends?


I really dont know what to do, and i dont even want to like him, because he can be soo nice, but he usually is mean to me and nice to everyone else including my friends. Please i need your help!



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A lot of guys that age can be pretty much controlled by their hormones... sounds like they're dancing around to impress the girls.


You could avoid them for a bit and try running with a more mature crew.


Sounds like it's already getting out of hand though... you should seriously consider talking to your parents or getting a teacher to intervene.

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