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Absolutely fed up.

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Grape lemon

I have basically been stalked and attacked on social media by a girl who I have never even met before.


Last week I had a user name I didn't recognise add me on snapchat, it said we had a mutual friend. The mutual friend turned out to be a scumbag guy who's been pursuing me on and off for a couple years even though he has a girlfriend. I've never reciprocated and infact told him to leave me alone if he has a girlfriend. Anyway this person who added me turned out to be a male friend of his, I have no idea why he added me. I didn't even speak to him or add him back.


The next day I get a friend request from a random girl who I've also never met, had a few mutual friends with her though so I looked at her profile to see if I could possibly know her. I didn't but she had heaps of photos of her and her boyfriend up with his name tagged. I worked out her boyfriend was the one who added me on snapchat the day before as his full name is his username. I did not accept her friend request. I then get an Instagram follow request from this girl and then she adds me on snapchat. All my social media is private and I did not accept any of this girls attempts to stalk me online. After a few days she messaged me telling me to stay away from her boyfriend. I am guessing she went through his phone and saw that he simply added me on snapchat and went into stalker mode.


What the hell!? I am so over people. I deactivated my Facebook tonight.

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That's why i never been friends with Facebook , myspace, yourspace Twitters and whatever you may call the rest ... when i grew up you got cursed standing too close to a person on the street now a days everybody just puts all their private business out there ...willingly !!!!


i feel sorry that you have been stalked liked that , if it persists , report them !!!

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Hope you don't have an old Myspace account...she will find you haha

Funny you say that I still have mine lol I use it to see what indie bands are out there. Always looking for new music.

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Grape lemon
I would just block all on the involved parties. She's insecure. Don't let them drive you crazy!


She looks insecure too, she has the crazy eyes going in the 100s of photos of her and her boyfriend she had up. I'm kind of offended she even thought I would touch her boyfriend, I did not find him even remotely attractive.


I will block her when I get back on social media, and her boyfriend.

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I've never reciprocated and infact told him to leave me alone if he has a girlfriend.


Send her a screen shot of that and then tell her to tell him to stay away from YOU.


then block.

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