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Jealous of my boyfriends coworker

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My boyfriend works for an airline. There's a girl that works there that I'm very uneasy about. I don't want to sound insecure but I'm being honest. She's very very pretty. She's a friendly girl but I don't like the way they interact. A few months back they got in trouble at work for goofing off and screwing up a flight BECAUSE they were goofing off and not being serious. They aren't supposed to hang out at work and they're only supposed to discuss work related things while at work. There have been a few house parties thrown by a coworker of theirs that I've attended with him. Of course the princess was there. We went to one last night and their behavior there has me fed up!! First off he said to her "Gah I can't stand you but you look so damn good" and I told him that was inappropiate and he said he was stating he was jealous of how good she looked and not hitting on her. Then they were sitting on the couch literally discussing that they will lie to the managers and say they only discuss work because apparently they've been seen walking the halls together. Really why are you risking your job just to be talking to her!? Idiot!! So then they walked by eachother and he accidentally touched her butt she was shocked and he said "it was an accident like a love tap" and she said "there's no love here" and he said "that's why I said LIKE a love tap" and they both laughed hysterically -_- and then he said to me "hey babe I just touched Rachel's butt by accident" and he seriously thought I'd find that funny. And wtf is a "love tap"?? Then he started making fun of her and she asked a guy to ask him to leave her alone and the guy said "it's because he likes you" and he didn't say yes or no he stood there with a big grin. I wanted to slap his face so bad omg. Towards the end of the night she walked by and had a angry pouty face and he said "oh I know that look" and that both started laughing. She's nice to me and always friendly but she's too friendly with my boyfriend. TOO friendly. And the "love tap" thing bothered me. I asked him about it and he said "omg I said LIKE a love tap meaning it was an accident!! Chill out" I just don't like their relationship and how they interact. And why is he risking his job just to talk to her. Call me crazy but my boyfriend flirted with another girl in front of me!! That's how I view it but he's saying why would he do that in front of me. I don't like when he goes to work because I know she will be there. I don't want to seem insecure but it is what it is.

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Ick. This is totally innapropriate. Tell him how it's making you feel and see if anything changes.

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Space Ritual

Go get yourself a new boyfriend.


If I pulled that in front of a girl I was dating I would be expected to be dumped upon leaving the party.


Ironically many moons ago I was at a New Years Eve Party and a girl I was seeing pulled close to the same thing as your boyfriend did. She even disappeared for a few minutes and exited the bathroom with some guy in front of me all laughing and joking.


I didn't even wait to ask her what was going on. I left the party, and her right there without as much as a word. Never saw her again after that and i didn't care.


I would not put up with that for one minute. And neither should you.

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She's nice to me and always friendly but she's too friendly with my boyfriend.

I would argue that it's your boyfriend that is too friendly with her. Obviously, I only have what is written here to go off of, but it seems like he's the one constantly pushing the boundaries and she's just being pretty receptive - or, at least, not totally shut off. I would echo VeVeCake's advice and talk with him first. Make sure to clearly express what you're having a problem with and then go from there. Unfortunately, I would be shocked if anything changed (aside from him just doing these things behind your back from now on).

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Well they do emotionally charge each other for sure. They are giddy like a couple of school kids. If he knew he had a chance with her he would have dumped you by now, but he doesn't....so he's gonna take what he can get away with. I agree this is getting waaaaay out of control, especially if it's affecting their work environment. It sucks to have this unfold in front of you. I wouldn't be uneasy about her, you should be uneasy about your BF because he is the one that initiates the behavior.


I doubt talking to him is going to do anything. He is so addicted to their relationship, he isn't going to see anything wrong with it and will find every excuse to not give it up.


I don't know how long you have been together or how much you have invested BUT if he isn't willing to change his mindset about this, you have already have lost him.

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