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Im real confused


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Hi all. I have posted before about a 2 yr relationship that ended due to an immature boyfriend who could never make up his mind. We have been through a few breakups in the last year and I thought things were ok. but he always freaked out and wanted to end it. Always ending up missing me. We are both 20. Anyway sure enough after 2 months of NO talking he is trying to contact me . saying he misses talking . And that he really wants to stay in touch. He is leaving for the army soon and he says he wants to do somthing together before he leaves. Now He has emailed twiced and tried to call. But I hang up on him each time.


I still love him very much and I am afraid to talk to him again. Why is he doing this. Why cant he just let it be and leave me to recover for goood this time. MY heart misses the crap out of him. But I know I cant have him. So its really hard on me....Any advice would be appreciated.

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Hi, i don't want to offend you or your ex, but as a guy it sounds to me like his trying to re-connect with you may be a physical thing.




You know how guys are, i mean i'm sure he had strong feelings for you and probably still does. BUT it seems pretty insensitive of him to just get in touch with you out of the blue and expect you to drop everything...just because he might be leaving soon. Where does he get off? To me, it sounds like he just wants one more ride on the Sabrina-go-round before shipping off...don't be fooled. If he really cared all that much emotionally or spiritually for you, he would have gotten off his sorry behind well before this point and made attempts at getting in touch with you. But that isn't the case by the sounds of it.




I hope a guys persepective helps. Again, i hope i haven't offended...i just believe in honesty.

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Give a brief response to one of his emails and let him know you have been very hurt by his previous indecision and you have no desire to see or talk to him at this time. Ask him to please respect your desires in this matter and wish him well. A few sentences will do.


Ask him not to contact you again.


You ask why he is doing this??? Because he is a jerk. If you caved in to him, he could get a lot farther with you in the short time he has before he goes into the Army than he could with someone he has just met.


He's a real jerk now...but just wait until the Army gets finished with him.

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This is a tough one. I would say keep doing what you are doing if you have made up your mind. If you start talking to him, you may be opening the door again. Even though it is hard, I think you are better off sticking to your guns.


I have been in a couple of relationships where it was an on and off again thing. It becomes apparent that the relationship is just never going to work. You seem to know it in this situation. What's the point? Why drag things out any further? It isn't fair to you to be played like a yo-yo. He wants you today but not tomorrow. You have already given him chances. After a while people have to realize they don't get an endless supply of chances. Stay strong.

Hi all. I have posted before about a 2 yr relationship that ended due to an immature boyfriend who could never make up his mind. We have been through a few breakups in the last year and I thought things were ok. but he always freaked out and wanted to end it. Always ending up missing me. We are both 20. Anyway sure enough after 2 months of NO talking he is trying to contact me . saying he misses talking . And that he really wants to stay in touch. He is leaving for the army soon and he says he wants to do somthing together before he leaves. Now He has emailed twiced and tried to call. But I hang up on him each time. I still love him very much and I am afraid to talk to him again. Why is he doing this. Why cant he just let it be and leave me to recover for goood this time. MY heart misses the crap out of him. But I know I cant have him. So its really hard on me....Any advice would be appreciated.
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