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My brother in law made a pass at me!! Help!

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I was at a wedding on the weekend with my fiance, and everyone was pretty drunk-we were out of town and staying with his sister. Towards the end of the nite I ended up slow dancing with his sister's husband (my fiancee's brother in law)

While we were dancing, he was rubbing my back, and I am certain that I felt *something* in his pants....


Anyway, I broke it off there, and we went back to their place.

When we got back I was sitting outside with him and my fiancee having a conversation. Then my fiancee went in to go to bed. We remained outside, and continued the conversation, and somehow he started talking about how attractive he thought I was ever since he had met me.

I kinda shrugged off that comment and then suggested that we go inside.


So we went in and I said goodnight, and he came over and gave me a huge full body contact hug, and then he kissed me on the mouth!!!!!!!!!!!


Nobody saw this or anything, but I felt quite uncomfortable the next day as this was all I could think about. WE said nothing about it, and me and my fiancee went home. I don't want to tell him what happened, but I feel guilty. And to be completely honest I was very flattered by the whole thing, and a tiny piece of me liked it!


Any suggestions on what to do here?

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Why did you let him kiss you on the mouth? Maybe he sensed that you wanted it...since you liked it so much.


He's married to your fiance's sister, right? Ooooh, this will make for some akward family reunions.


What do you WANT to do about it? I'd say that you're not ready to get married, since you were 'flattered' that another man kissed you and got a hard on dancing with you :sick:

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Well, just to clear that up, it was dark, and he just went for it, and I pulled back right away. I think you're right too-there is more to the story about my fiancee and I, we have been having issues with our love life for awhile now. We also have a one year old child, so we are trying to work things out for her sake.


So there are alot of other issues at hand now too, and alot of mixed up feelings.


But I certainly do NOT want anything to happen with his brother in law.

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Just to clear that up, it was dark, and he went in for the kiss, and i pulled back right away.

As for my fiancee, we have been having issues in our love life for awhile, and are trying to sort things out as we have a one year old daughter. There are alot of issues and mixed up feelings happening right now.

Maybe these problems are the reason that I was flattered to have a man pay attention to me, I don't really know.


And I definitely do not want to have any kind of relations with his brother in law!

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You should immediately inform your boyfriend what happened. If the roles were reversed, wouldn't you expect your boyfriend to tell you? Either you have honesty and trust in your relationship or you do not. I wish you luck.

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Sal Paradise

Tell your boyfriend. If you honestly didn't see it coming and pulled away as soon as he did it you have nothing to worry about. However if you lie and don't tell him it will become a problem. Many people including myself consider kissing to be cheating if both people are doing it. It really all depends on how it happened. You MUST tell him. It will blow up in your face if you don't.

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