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I've tried to like his friend... But something always urkes me.

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I've been in a LDR for 6 months now. His really good friend moved here not too long after my boyfriend and I started dating. She started to befriend me and we would meet up for dinner a few times here and there. I've given it a chance many times, but there is just something that tends to urke me about her almost every time we hangout. She has questioned why we would ever do LDR, she has told me that she thinks my boyfriend is selfish with his decisions, she has negative opinions about him moving here, she's extremely pushy when she wants you to do something, she has been inconsiderate with my time in the past, and she just isn't someone I would typically hang out with. She has some qualities that I do appreciate but I don't think I can handle her in big doses. Well I am going to have to suck that up as her and I are going to San Francisco together where we are meeting my boyfriend for the weekend. (She was pushy toward both of us to make this trip happen and I gave in.) So any advice on how to handle this situation? I am a bit nervous that this trip where I kind of just want to spend quality time with my LDR boyfriend is going to be a bit complicated.

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I am a bit nervous that this trip where I kind of just want to spend quality time with my LDR boyfriend is going to be a bit complicated.


IMO, you should have never agreed to this menage a trois in the first place, but now you're stuck with it, you're right. You're just going to have to suck it up.


Do you or your boyfriend know anyone in San Francisco you could fix this woman up with? If she had someone else to pay attention to her she'd be less likely to demand it from you and your boyfriend which would make it easier for you two to get your own quality time.


"I've tried to like his friend... But something always urkes me."


BTW, it's "irks" - not "urkes."




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