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My girlfriend is only 19 yrs old and i'm her first boyfriend. We been seeing each other for almost 4 months now. My problem is she saw my whole body already but when it comes to my turn to look at her body she refused and told me that she is shy. The only part of her body that i get to see and play with is her breast. Is there a reason for her to be shy since I'm her boyfriend? Is being shy reasonable? Is there something to do with her age? I'm very confused.

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There is nothing wrong with her being shy. If you are her first boyfriend, and it's only been 4 months, then this is all new to her. Relax and take your time, let her feel comfortable with you as a person first before you ask her to be comfortable sexually. It probably does have something to do with her age, at 19 you are only just coming into your own sexually as a young woman, and if you have been with other women she is wondering "how will I compare?", for women of any age, being sexual with someone that you care for is a very emotionally vunerable expirience, take your time to foster a stronger bond first. Maybe she has stretch marks from growing that haven't faded yet, she is too young to know that most of us have them! Just respect her, and your relationship will blossom, and you'll feel better about the person that you are for her.

My girlfriend is only 19 yrs old and i'm her first boyfriend. We been seeing each other for almost 4 months now. My problem is she saw my whole body already but when it comes to my turn to look at her body she refused and told me that she is shy. The only part of her body that i get to see and play with is her breast. Is there a reason for her to be shy since I'm her boyfriend? Is being shy reasonable? Is there something to do with her age? I'm very confused.
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For the second time, yes, it is normal for her to be


shy and to be moving as slow as she is. This is her first relationship and everything is new. It doesn't matter that she is 19. No matter what age she is, she is going to be nervous about her first sexual experiences. Everyone has different ideas about what is reasonable and what is not.


There could be other reasons why she is holding back. Even though most people have sex before marriage, not all do(especially females). Did you ever ask her what her ideas about that are? If it bothers you so much, maybe you should date someone else. The worst thing you can do is pressure her. Believe it or not, you are going to have the opposite affect on her by adding pressure.

My girlfriend is only 19 yrs old and i'm her first boyfriend. We been seeing each other for almost 4 months now. My problem is she saw my whole body already but when it comes to my turn to look at her body she refused and told me that she is shy. The only part of her body that i get to see and play with is her breast. Is there a reason for her to be shy since I'm her boyfriend? Is being shy reasonable? Is there something to do with her age? I'm very confused.
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Yes Nick, I remember you. You're the one who seems to be completely and totally obsessed with sex, seeing your girlfriend naked, etc. You're the guy who doesn't seem to RESPECT the fact that your much younger girlfriend isn't yet comfortable with sex, getting naked, etc. Can't you just leave it be? If you're so damn frustrated and confused by all this, why don't you just end things and find someone who's closer to your own age, who's got experience when it comes to sex, etc....then you won't be so frustrated. Like I said last time, maybe this girl was raised like I was, to 'wait til marriage' before having sex, being intimate. Maybe she was taught that if you give a guy what he wants, he'll leave. You should talking to her about this. Okay, so she's said she's shy. Maybe she's insecure and not comfortable with her body. Maybe you're creeping her out and pressuring her. I think you should find someone else because this obviously seems to be a big deal to you. You seem rather preoccupied with all this. No?

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Yeah, I get what you're driving at. You took off all your clothes and now she won't take her's off in return. How ungrateful she is. Did she promise to do so herself in return for view yours? Was the viewing of your nude torso unsolicited or did she ask you to shed to the buff? Did she go back on her word by not reciprocating?


Whenever I start dating somebody I always discuss us taking off our clothes and comparing bodies. That's a pretty important part of the relationship. Now, sometimes if they're shy I will agree to do it through pictures but I insist on four different angles.


I really wish this was just a part of custom or nature. I see a lot of girls here and there I'd like to compare bodies with...I mean sort of exchange glimpses. If I just walked up to them, it would only take us a couple of minutes to run into a public restroom, disrobe, and take a peak. What's the big deal?


Now, your girlfriend seems to be shy and you have to respect this. I know it's driving you out of your mind wondering what she looks like under there but do a little detective work. You have a reasonable idea what her breasts look like and feel like. Take that sample and in your mind just paint the rest of the picture.


Breasts are one of the things that vary most about a lady's body. They come in all shapes and sizes so you are half there already. The vaginal area is pretty much the same. In your mind, just put a patch of hair there. So the only thing you have to imagine is her curves. Maybe she'll let you feel the contour of her waiste so this will be easier for you.


I know it would be better if this were tit for tat but she simply isn't ready to show you her all right now. And she knows that when she does, the show will be half over. So use your imagination. You have my word that doing this will be so much better.


Also be warned that whatever she looks like now won't be the case in ten years, 20 years, 30 years, etc. Aging, health, weight gain, pregnancy (for women) and all sorts of other things can change the shapes of ladies' (and men's) bodies if they don't work hard at it. So even after you see her body, you're going to have to schedule regular update visits.


When you eventually see her bod, if there's something you don't like, have an airbrush painter with you. Playboy Magazine does wonders on their girls with an airbrush. All the imperfections are gone in an instant. Modern technology is so wonderful.


Now I really don't mean to worry you but I've watched a lot of these Jerry Springer type talk shows. One reason she may not want to take all her clothes off for you right now is because SHE may be a HE. Ask to at least have her examined by a doctor to get a written report on her gender. That should give you a measure of comfort.

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