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She's gone to court to try and get an injunction to keep me away from the house


:mad: man when I read stories like yours I wonder where the justice is.


Hang in there! You will see the light at the end of this dreaded experience. You deserve so much more!


I hope in the end you and your son find peace of mind and a new and happy life together!


I don't know much about D (might be going down that path myself) can you reverse an injunction? or Dispute it?

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Looking back at the last year, the woman I loved and cared for has gone and I'm now faces with a cold cold woman

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Looking back at the last year, the woman I loved and cared for has gone and I'm now faces with a cold cold woman



You however walked right into her hands.

You threw a pregnant woman twice out of her own home, despite knowing you had no authority to do that.

The police got involved and you spent time in police custody.

I get you are angry, frustrated and upset, but you cut off your own nose to spite your face.

She is now taking advantage and she will probably now be successful in getting an occupation order, whereas before all this drama, she wouldn't have been.

YOU from being in a position of power, are now probably out on your ear and your son will probably want to stay at home with his mother, rather than go to a rented place with you.

You need to take the heat out of the situation and start thinking rationally and sensibly, else she is going to take you to the cleaners here.

Remember she is miles ahead of you, do not let her wind you up and lose focus. YOU will need all your wits about you.

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You however walked right into her hands.

You threw a pregnant woman twice out of her own home, despite knowing you had no authority to do that.

The police got involved and you spent time in police custody.

I get you are angry, frustrated and upset, but you cut off your own nose to spite your face.

She is now taking advantage and she will probably now be successful in getting an occupation order, whereas before all this drama, she wouldn't have been.

YOU from being in a position of power, are now probably out on your ear and your son will probably want to stay at home with his mother, rather than go to a rented place with you.

You need to take the heat out of the situation and start thinking rationally and sensibly, else she is going to take you to the cleaners here.

Remember she is miles ahead of you, do not let her wind you up and lose focus. YOU will need all your wits about you.


^^^ Keep remembering this Andrew ^^^

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Wow Andrew I had to skip alot of posts to get to the end of this thread and it seems like everyone is giving you alot of good advice here. But it appears that

in the beginning you were taking baby steps forward to starting a new life without her, but you were moving in the right direction, now you have taken two steps backwards.

In an earlier post you mentioned that she blamed you for her infidelity, that is so common for cheating spouses to lay the blame on someone else, it's their justification for their dirty deeds, you drove me away, and we all know that's bull****.

Hindsight being 20/20, did you really think you could have lived with this stranger

and made a healthy environment for your son and yourself?

Rise above it all, it will make you stronger if you don't let it destroy you, it's in your hands.

It is what it is and you have to decide what you need to do to survive and get thru this to the other side. When relationships crash, first it's about the loss of love,then it becomes about money and lastly about the children.

Think of it this way, You get a "Do Over" but first you have to get thru this!


Lots of good advice has been coming your way but it's only good if you take it!



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She's gone to court to try and get an injunction to keep me away from the house




People called this very early on. It's amazing how similarly these situations play out.


Best of luck to you Andrew! :(

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In her statement to the court she states she didn't have an affair, she says it was a brief fling, is 12 months classed as brief??

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In her statement to the court she states she didn't have an affair, she says it was a brief fling



I hope that admission to the court, downplayed though it may be, proves useful in the future.



Best of luck tomorrow.

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I hope that admission to the court, downplayed though it may be, proves useful in the future.



In the UK, adultery is only "needed" to prove the marriage has irretrievably broken down, it has no bearing on division of finances or children and the court will not be biased against the adulterer either.

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In the UK, adultery is only "needed" to prove the marriage has irretrievably broken down, it has no bearing on division of finances or children and the court will not be biased against the adulterer either.



I was afraid I was being overly optimistic.

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In her statement to the court she states she didn't have an affair, she says it was a brief fling, is 12 months classed as brief??


Pregnant by other man and still in the affair. Brief? I think not.

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Pregnant by other man and still in the affair. Brief? I think not.


I doubt the judgement will be made on moral grounds, but the fact she is pregnant, may actually count in her favour.

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In her statement to the court she states she didn't have an affair, she says it was a brief fling, is 12 months classed as brief??



Did you get the opportunity to file an opposing statement?

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I have put forward an option to her solicitor, but the x wife seems determined to put obstacles in the way

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Well I'm out, the outcome is that she has to have moved out by midnight 2nd sept, and she cannot return, until then I agreed not to go back in the house before then, after that I can return home for good.

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Well I'm out, the outcome is that she has to have moved out by midnight 2nd sept, and she cannot return, until then I agreed not to go back in the house before then, after that I can return home for good.


Have you bought the house?

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ITs being sold to a couple who have agreed to rent it long term to me, the court has ordered that she cannot obstruct the sale

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ITs being sold to a couple who have agreed to rent it long term to me, the court has ordered that she cannot obstruct the sale

Good, so you have some degree of security.

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