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my friend is in a very abusive relatsionship. any thoughts in how to talk her into gettin out .

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Can you give us more info??? Like how long she has been in the relationship, do they have children together???? If so, advise her to think of her children. If he does it to her, eventually (NOT ALWAYS, but very often the case) he will start on them.

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they have been together 10 years +.she has her son (not by him) and he has one of each (not by her ) all livein together.as far as i know he doesn't touch the kids.i live in a different city then them.i have been trying to talk into leaving for years course of the drug abuse and mental abuse for years.now she tells me its physical too.this to me put things at a new level.i don't know what to say to her anymore i have tried to used the kids to make her think but ..........well now i just want to drive there and get her but i know she has to say she wants to leave. so i sit by the phone waiting for her to call ........hopin its not another story about how he knocked the piss out her again.or worse :(

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I would contact the police in her area, tell them the conversations you have been having with her. They will check up on her as a curosity call. Most abuse victims won't leave because even though they are being abused, they are comfortable with it. The fear of the unknown to them is worse than staying in a abusive marriage. Only a trained professional will be able to get her to "see the light". In the mean time I would suggest what I stated above.

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