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how do overcome shyness?

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I really like this guy, whenever anyone mentions him i get butterflies im my stomache and get really happy but I can't come to my senses to tell him i like him i know he likes me too but he's shy like me so are there any ways for me to overcome the fear.


Please help me i want to be with him but im scared i mean im really falling for this guy and im scared that if i dont tell him soon some girl is going to come slong and scoop him up.

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Men really respond to friendliness and confidence. Just walk up to him, muster all the confidence you can get, give him a friendly smile, and ask him if he wants to get together to go see a movie you think he might like. If you play it off cool, like you're just trying to hang, it will cause less pressure. And then once you're ON the date, you can gauge his reaction to you and see what happens.

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Originally posted by Treasa

Men really respond to friendliness and confidence. Just walk up to him, muster all the confidence you can get, give him a friendly smile, and ask him if he wants to get together to go see a movie you think he might like. If you play it off cool, like you're just trying to hang, it will cause less pressure. And then once you're ON the date, you can gauge his reaction to you and see what happens.


Treasa is right on the money. Guys like a girl that will approach them, and we appreciate when a girl does, because since guys are usually the ones to do the approaching, we understand how much courage you have to muster. As long as you can be loose (not morally ;) ) and show him how much fun you can be, he will jump at the chance to hang out with you. It's best to keep the pressure off at first, but if a guy goes for the chance to see you outside his circle, there's a good chance he's into you as more than a buddy.

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