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please help me !


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I 'm a 22 yrs old college student that usher at this church every weekend, the problem is that there's an old man about 6o's and he's usually nice. However, yesterday he said that he wants to give something from victoria secret and that i should keep it between us because i'm already 22. Also, he told me to call him by his name and not by Mr. He commented that he wants to give me a car. I'm totally insulted i thought he was like a father figure to me, i never said anything to lead him on. I need help how can i handle this. by the way his wife is so sweet and i feel totally sorry for her.

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heh heh! funny & icky situation ...


i'd simply cut it off by a sharp joke... just sticking the victoria crap up his *** along with the car... it's stupid and embarassing... be nice to his wife, but avoid talking to him except for hi - bye...... that's just my opinion...




good luck

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That old geezer has a lot of nerve.


If you ever have to talk to this perv again, only call him Mr. If he insists, tell him you never address people old enough to be your grandparents by their first name.


If he offers to buy you anything, tell him firmly no thank you. Then ask how is wife is, and tell him that you have always thought of them like grandparents.


I'd also tell YOUR parents what this guy is up to.


There is no need for you to be harassed anywhere, especially in church.


Try never to be alone with this creep.


He may try to cop a feel, and you'd really hate to have to slap him.

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Get used to those types of things. Older men do this all the time. Just brush him off and let him know nicely that you aren't interested. There's no law against him coming on to you, although it's pretty immoral doing it at church with his wife nearby.


Just for the heck of it, ask him why he wants to give you a car and gifts from Victoria Secret. Ask him what he wants in return. Then tell him it sounds real good to you and you'll go along with it once you clear it with the Pastor and the Deacons of the Church. That ought to send a ripple down his spine.


Have fun!!!

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