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Ways To Win An Ex Back

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What are some good ways to win an ex back? I wanna hear them all...even if its a crazy scheme....What worked for you guys personally? I'm a female wanting to win my ex husband back. Thank you :)

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I'm unware of any sure-fire method.


If you have one, you stand to be very rich....

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You can't * win him back * if he does not want to * come back *.


If you neglected him or cheated on him , then chances are he wants no more of it.


Or maybe he fell out of love for you, in that case , the chance of * getting him back * are about as good as getting ice water in Hell.

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I hear moving on and finding someone new is a good way to win someone back... :lmao: Silly men.


I wish there was a way, Cath. But sometimes we're better off picking up the pieces elsewhere.


I really like your signature, COC. A few weeks ago, right before I started my new job, I bought some bracelets at the mall. One says "happiness is a journey" and another says "to thine ownself be true." I think it helps me to have these words staring me in the face so that they'll sink in. :p

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Originally posted by Cathgirl

I'm a female wanting to win my ex husband back. Thank you :)


Let your exh walk. I just had an emergency visit from my stbxh, and you know what, the guy in my head is a lot better than the real thing lol. Damn was he ever controlling. I appreciated him coming over for the emergency, and I did thank him, but man, he acted like he still lived in the place. Telling me to do this and that. No wonder I had anxiety for most of our marriage. I was scared to do anything because he kept telling me what to do.


So make sure it's really the guy you want back and not the imagined one in your head!

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Originally posted by Fallen_Angel

I really like your signature, COC. A few weeks ago, right before I started my new job, I bought some bracelets at the mall. One says "happiness is a journey" and another says "to thine ownself be true." I think it helps me to have these words staring me in the face so that they'll sink in. :p


Thanks. That's why they are in my siggy. If you do not love and are true to yourself, you can not be to others.

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Want a surefire way to win him back? NO CONTACT. Drop off the face of the earth and eventually curiosity will get the best of him. My exhusband came back 4 months after I divorced him. Out of the blue he showed up on my doorstep and proceeded to tell me I was "the one"....


Of course he did this right when I got to the point I no longer missed him and was feeling good about myself again.


I think ex's have radar for this sort of thing. When you forget about them and are able to move on - POOF, they show up again.

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theres no way of getting him back things happen for a reason and even if some one tells you their personal story that worked for them it might not work for you... ay ay ay sweety thats the way life is.. you cant always get what you want in life.. nothing is forever but you can try.. dod u try? dodnt work?? then thats it..

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i mean hes ur ex and ex's always show up somehow ..he might come back to saty or to leave again with or without you..you can try but dont get your hopes up.. :o

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Originally posted by JustDumpedHim

Want a surefire way to win him back? NO CONTACT. Drop off the face of the earth and eventually curiosity will get the best of him. My exhusband came back 4 months after I divorced him. Out of the blue he showed up on my doorstep and proceeded to tell me I was "the one"....


Of course he did this right when I got to the point I no longer missed him and was feeling good about myself again.


I think ex's have radar for this sort of thing. When you forget about them and are able to move on - POOF, they show up again.


:laugh: funny cuz it's true

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Let your exh walk. I just had an emergency visit from my stbxh, and you know what, the guy in my head is a lot better than the real thing lol.


OH AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!


I wish that I could find a way to make my heart see this!!!!!!!!!


I was LD, so it was easy to make him be whoever I wanted him to be in my head.....the real thing was not who I thought he was. I took all the great things about him and thought that was him.......I got a rude awakening!


It is really easy to want someone back. For whatever reason, we look at all the good, but I have to MAKE myself sit down and remember the bad.


I do agree that exes always come back. Especially if they dumped you. It seems like they come back when they do not hear from you to see "Geez, could they really survive without me?" It is like inconceivable to them. I think the more me distance ourselves, the more they wonder. I do not have one ex that never called me one day. If it is meant to be, then they will come back.


It is odd that an ex suddenly becomes interested when you have someone else. And isn't it funny how they have this sense when it happens?? The only problem I have is when he does call me(and I am on my way to healing) he sucks me in and 2 TIMES now I have gone back to him and dumped someone else and then I guess he feels he must be GOD since I left them for him. It is all about EGO.


Ok sorry rambling and off topic!


I know everyone wants the magic that will bring back an ex, but always think of that song by Garth Brooks "unanswered Prayers" Maybe one day you will look back and all these prayers to get him back will NOT be answered and you will know why. Meaning, your new SO is great and you are so happy. Not sure how religious you all are, but God knows what he is doing and he would not steer you wrong.

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one more thing..........do not idealize your...I did that with my ex ex (lol) and I found out he cheated and then the whole time I thought he was this saint, I was devestated!!!!!!



You know what sucks is that I never think I will stop loving my ex. No matter what he says. You know how you have that one person you will always love? He was not my first love, but my first adult love.


I have accepted that I cannot force myself to stop loving him. Who says I cannot? I just cannot act on it. I also know that he feels the same.


I have this feeling that we are going to end up like the "Notebook" movie.

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originally posted by beth5201I have this feeling that we are going to end up like the "Notebook" movie.


aww that would b nice... i saw that movie it made me sad.. lol

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Originally posted by Cathgirl

What are some good ways to win an ex back? I wanna hear them all...even if its a crazy scheme....What worked for you guys personally? I'm a female wanting to win my ex husband back. Thank you :)


If you want to "hear them all", then I'll give you my two cents worth....


Of course, your intention of "winning back" a lover (ex-husband) will depend on the actual circumstances of your relationship and the nature of the breakup. And I can only share with you something from my own experience.


When my girlfriend and I broke up, I left with a feeling that she didn't really want me--that she really wanted someone else, and was only settling for me. Since then she and I have remained friends, and on and off she has given indications that she wants me back. I continue to have feelings for her and think about going back to her. Perhaps it is vain of me, but the deciding factor would be to hear from her that she made a mistake for dumping me, that she has since reevaluated our relationship, and really understands how much I mean to her.


This, of course, would mean that she would have to swallow her pride somewhat, and also do some soul-searching about what she really wants. Nobody wants to be someone else's consolation prize. If you want to get a lover back, you might have to prove to them that you actually mean it, and are not just "getting them back" because you haven't yet found someone else.


Maybe a long, deep love letter, where you really come clean about your feelings, would do the trick.


May the force be with you!

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