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he lied to me.....


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me and this guy have have been talking for awhile i would say a month. i really like him i mean he is super nice and would do just about anything for me everything i look for. well while talking i asked him if he had a g/f or anything like that he tells me no he just has a couple of friends he talks to nothin big. well this weekend he give me his email addy and said he would be out of town for me to write him. well along with his email addy he also gave me his password. what possessed him to do that i have no clue. so being the curious girl i am i went snooping around his hotmail box and ran across these emails from 1 girl in particular. his girlfriend. they are supposedly in love and everything. i was in shock that he lied to me. i have no idea what to say to him b/c it wasn't exactly right of me to go through his emails to find out that he has a gf! he swore to me that he didn't have one i asked him 100 times when he called on saturday. he knew something was up so i went back to his email box i was going to print one out and think of a good way to show him i knew. he had changed his password knowing i had been there or that i would go there. i don't know how to tell him or anything. it just sucks b/c i feel like im losing someone special to me he is like my best friend you know. i feel bad for snooping through his things.... what do i say to him that i know he lied???????????? pls help...

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YOU WRITE: ".... what do i say to him that i know he lied????????????"


You say to him, "It appears that you have lied because email of yours which I read contains information that would indicate you have a girlfriend. But I suppose you wanted me to see that because there is no other reason you would have given me your password."


"But, of course, I did invade your privacy in a most indiscrete way so therefore I guess we are even. See ya!!!"

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