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Would you date a Christian that doesn't go to church?

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I have quite a few Christian friends that had been active in church at one time, or goes occasionally...but still consider themselves Christian. They pretty much follow the "You don't have to go to church to be considered a good Christian."


If you're a Christian, would you have a problem with someone who doesn't go to church every Sunday?


I even know Christian wives that come to church alone without their husbands, and it's no biggie to them.



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The nominal Christian is more the case that he is not a Dawkins type and won't get in your way, unless to much money goes to tithes and offerings and time commitments beyond one weekend morning gets too bad. Now it is up to you whether to limit yourself to those with a similar level of attendance and adherence as that may be a a better factor of being equally yoked than the differences in doctrine and worship service styles.

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Faith and devotion are a daily task.

Church is to get that check up.

Where two or more gather to spread the word...

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