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Does he have the hots for you if he jokes about making out with you?

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Does it mean that a guy aquaintance has the hots for you if he jokes about making out with you in front of other peeps?




He says, "Jane and I are gonna go make out now." and we all giggle.


I'm 23 and he is 29, is this a hint or what?

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take him up on the "offer" next time and see what he does!

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im going through something very similar and i would like some advice also! ive known this guy Brad for about a


year now and a few weeks ago we made out and after that he was very distant but last night we made out


again and went a little further but he is acting very distant now like nothing ever happened and i dont know


what to do because it seems he only wants me when its convienent for him! And although he flirts when he calls


and writes sweet txt messages whenever hes around certain people he completely ignores me and im scared to


talk to him about it! any advice is greatly appreciated!

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Originally posted by kade

im going through something very similar and i would like some advice also! ive known this guy Brad for about a


year now and a few weeks ago we made out and after that he was very distant but last night we made out


again and went a little further but he is acting very distant now like nothing ever happened and i dont know


what to do because it seems he only wants me when its convienent for him! And although he flirts when he calls


and writes sweet txt messages whenever hes around certain people he completely ignores me and im scared to


talk to him about it! any advice is greatly appreciated!


Brad's a dick. He only wants what he can get from you and that's all. I know it's hard, but be strong and stay away from him.


As far as the original point of this thread, he isn't kidding, he wants to make out with you. And more, of course. If that's a good thing---good for you! If it isn't, I( hope it doesn't get too weird for you.

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Originally posted by Joeypop123

Does it mean that a guy aquaintance has the hots for you if he jokes about making out with you in front of other peeps?



Usually, yes. He might not want a serious relationship, but he'd probably be into making out if the situation was right.

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Hi Joeypop123,


Oh yes... your guy acquaintance has the hots for you. I say that he wouldn't have said such a thing if there wasn't a hint of wishful desire on his part! I like laRubiaBonita's suggestion... do take him up on the offer and see what he does!


Hi kade,


I say that Brad's surely playing a game to get you to think of him more often. I say that you ignore him back... don't pay attention to his flirting or advances -- privately and publicly -- for a while. See if he continues (to the point that he becomes annoying, lol). If he does, then perhaps he's sincere, and you may want to give him an opportunity to see where things can go.

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Thanks to everyone who gave me their take on the teasing thing, but I recently just found out that the guy has a girlfriend. I would have taken him up on his offer if he didn't have a GF,...I'm not like that.


Even though he is with her and what not, he still teases me about making out, and it's not only with him, it's with other guys too. He jokes about me having sexy sandwiches with the ugliest guys in class. It was funny at first, and it sucks...I still like him.


Is he a 29 year old freak or is he just trying to make me say something? What the hell is he thinking?

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Hi Joeypop123,


He knows that his teasing is striking a nerve with you... he's continues to do it as you continue to respond favourably (playfully?) to him... am I correct with this assumption? :o


He'll stop the teasing if you respond to him with forced smiles, or if you ignore him or seem boring to him. He'll stop with you, then move on to the next attractive, friendly, responsive girl... I say it's just part of his very-forward personality, that's all.

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  • 1 month later...

well just an update on the situation with Brad we kissed again and he started being really rude and mean to me and about a week after all this he asked one of my close friends out and now they are together and we arent on speaking terms and its really hard because im being hurt by two people very close to me i need some advice!!!

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