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so my recent ex cheated on me. well he kissed a girl when he was drinking and then sent friendly/maybe flirty emails to this person while we were still together for about a month until he ended our relationship because he had to move away.


i hear that they are friends and becoming much more flirty and talking on the phone a lot. i am pretty sure he calls her more than he calls me. he hasn't told me about this and i wonder how should i approach him because we ended our relationship on good terms, because we didn't want a long distance relationship. is he a bastard or is this something that i shouldn't know about? you know just young people seeing what else is out there. i am pretty sure this is crap but i just need some advice.

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Try not to think of him at all. The relationship is over, and you should not care what he is doing right now. I know it sounds hard to do.

The only thing more information can result in is more hurt. Imagine that you would find out that he is starting a LDR with her. You would feel highly uncomfortable, as he was not willing to do the same with you. So cut off your supply of information, and occupy yourself with different things and your own love-life if you are ready for it.

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