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Wayward Husband claims amnesia and PTSD with 8 month affair

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I don't know if it's illegal, but it sounds like a horrible idea.


Your husband cheated on you, why do you want to publicly shame the woman he perused?


If you want to publicly shame anyone, shame the man you choose to marry.

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Mrs. John Adams

Your husband is an AP too......you want him plastered all over you tube?


What is fair for one is fair for another. and it always goes both ways.


You cannot have an affair by yourself....there has to be a partner.

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I don't know if it's illegal, but it sounds like a horrible idea.


Your husband cheated on you, why do you want to publicly shame the woman he perused?


If you want to publicly shame anyone, shame the man you choose to marry.


Because she sought him out, knowing he is married and wealthy. She had just got married herself. He will be outed too, but this girl is a piece of work! She told me about affair in a very nasty, "ha ha" way.

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Mrs. John Adams
Because she sought him out, knowing he is married and wealthy. She had just got married herself. He will be outed too, but this girl is a piece of work! She told me about affair in a very nasty, "ha ha" way.


She sought him out....and he said yes


He is as guilty as she is if not more


I would concentrate on your husband...and forget the ow

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Well if you love petty drama ans chaos in your life go for it.


Is this woman number 2 or 3 that your husband has now cheated on you with ?


I suppose he was an innocent victim, lured by this seductress huh?


Your problem isn't this woman, your problem is the young boy you married.


Why don't you divorce him and move on? This sort of drama wont bring any good, not for you, not for anyone.

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Hon, here's what you do. You're in no imminent danger. You have an infant. You need training to have a career. So use him and his money to GET that training in the next two years, put away money, and make your getaway plan. There are plenty of careers you can get that pay excellent money with two years of training. My DD25's friend just graduated from a junior college's two-year plan for dental hygienist. She'll be making in the 40's to 50s, and that's just to start. Already has a job lined up.


Anyway, now's the time to take care of yourself. Fake it if you have to, but just get along for now. His family's probably watching you to see if you're going to try to bolt. Let them see you staying, and back off. Save that money, take that training, raise your child, look into local resources, and make your plan. By the time you're ready to leave, he will be unable to prove he should take your child away, as you'll have been raising him for two years. You'll be fine.

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