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Tony & Annie...

Miss Mojo

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...it's signed, sealed and delivered.


i thanked him for the card and for the nice thought, hoped he had a good easter, signed it "regards", and added down the bottom "call, write, sky-write me if you want to :)"


...i hope i did the right thing by adding that....left the ball in his court....


anyway, the eight-week rule? i honestly have never heard of that one! it's been about...21 weeks now!!!!! part of me thinks, "that can't be good", but then i have known people to be apart for way longer than that and get in contact again, for whatever reason(s).


yep, i'm really nervous as to what happens now. i just wish i could read peoples minds at times like this! although, i don't believe it would have been an easy task for him to send me that card either. i would have a really hard time building up the courage to contact an ex. you take a risk because you just don't know how they will react.


thanks guys for your encouragement and support. if i ever go through something like this again, at least i will know what to do :)

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You can't lose here. If he calls you, at least you'll get a chance to talk. Maybe you can reconcile...maybe not. But that's not nearly as important as finding out if it's possible.


If he doesn't contact you, you can move on comfortably knowing you made that one last ditch effort.


As time has moved on, I personally have made it a point of not moving backwards. I learned for my own life that there are reasons for breakups that transcend feelings I may have. I see so many people who love each other dearly when they get married end up divorcing later on. But I also see many people who argue daily staying married for 50 years. I really don't have the answers.


But once something happens so serious that a parting is called for, I always make the break permanent. It's being nice to myself. I don't have to put myself through years of "what ifs." I just move ahead.


I will say that I have become skilled at remaining friends and knowing when to bow out of somebody's life gracefully when they start getting serious with somebody else.

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I will say that I have become skilled at remaining friends and knowing when to bow out of somebody's life gracefully when they start getting serious with somebody else.


i bowed out gracefuly when he told me he'd met someone so soon after our break-up.


i just hope he's not ging to contact me and tell me he's in a happy relationship. while i want nothing more than for him to be happy, it broke my heart to hear he'd met someone so soon after we broke-up, even though i know the break-up was really tough for him too (even though it was his decision). i'm afraid of feeling hurt by something so painful again. know what i mean?? i bowed out gracefully the first time for his sake, and for mine. he knew it broke my heart.


i'm a bit scared now of hearing something that will hurt me, even though i want to be happy. oh gosh!

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last line:


even though i him want to be happy. ...that really does mean a lot to me.


....i think that's why i was scared to contact him...in case i hear something that might stall the healing process. i'd hate to go through that again.

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