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Thought he liked my friend..now im not so sure..

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The situation is basically this...recently i've started a new job with a bunch of other people. When we started working in our teams a lady i work with told me that this guy we work with, but not in our team (let's call him Adam) likes my friend (let's call her Sally) and thought she was really cute...and since i was friends with her (shes in our team too)..do you think Adam might have chance? I basically said i didn't really want to get involved in setting them up as such, as i know sally hasn't had the best luck with men lately..Basically my feelings on that issue are that if he likes her that much he can get to know her and ask her out himself! A few days after that conversation.....


A lot of the young people in the office sometimes send eachohter silly forwarded emails.....one that Adam sent to me i replied to as a joke..from then on we spent a good part of the week emailing backwards and forwards being totally silly and stupid. It's weird because face to face he is really quiet and doesnt say much, but over email he has been quite friendly and funny.


Anyway...yesterday we continued to email and be silly, and he asked for my number so, in his own words, we could continue the sillyness over the weekend..i gave him my number, as i suppose it can be just friendly, and i haven't thought it to be otherwise...but the more i think about it, the more it seems like...hmm.. why would he ask for my number?


I haven't told him i know he likes my friend sally...so he thinks i have no idea. I'm wondering now what this all means...could it be just simply friendliness, or perhaps he thinks since i've been getting along with him well to turn his attention to me?

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Hi JoL,


Do you know for sure that Adam likes Sally? The thing is that you heard from your lady co-worker... it may be the truth, it may be gossip, who knows for sure? What has Sally said? :)


But the fact remains that Adam asked you for your phone number! Oh yes... I say that Adam wants to get to know you better. Continued sillyness over the phone was just an excuse.


If I have to wager, I'd say that he asks you out during the phone conversation!

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