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You know it's time to drop them

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When it takes them few days to respond to your texts.


Like seriously how busy can these men/ women be? My job sometimes requires me to work at remote site areas with no cellphone except lunch hours. What more people have access to their phone all the time. And its funnier that when you monitor their social media activities, they still have the time to like your posts, post up pictures of their whereabouts, so on and so forth.


I get that sometimes we don't feel like replying to that person and the questions posed because of stress and whatnot, so it takes us longer than normal to reply. But few days? Kindly share your point of views.

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My point of view is I would never decide to keep a relationship or not based on texting habits. There's all sorts of deal breakers in relationships. Texting is pretty low on my list of reprehensible personality traits to break up over.


It seems that the current generation have very low thresholds of gratification delay. Must remember not to date below my generation. :confused: I am perpetually annoyed by texts so anyone who sends me one can pretty much rely on getting no answer from me unless it's something that requires a response within a certain timeframe like.....do you want to eat at 8 or 9pm?


I have not and will not ever conduct conversations over text. It's for schedule changes, nothing else. Those are all of my thoughts on the subject. For reference I do not have any social media accounts either. I tend to live in life in person, rather than put up a facade about my life online.


I also haven't 'dropped' anyone since I was 14. I had break ups after that age.

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What about a couple of weeks? Should I be expecting a text from him?

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What about a couple of weeks? Should I be expecting a text from him?


Nope, you should not. And if he ever comes back, he better has a damn solid excuse for the disappearance

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Nope, you should not. And if he ever comes back, he better has a damn solid excuse for the disappearance


This totally. I have a friend who just drops all contact every month or so and initially it was odd, worrying, but now it's just, well, sad really. I no longer care but like clockwork there's some apology for not getting in touch but then they'll go quiet again. I find I lose respect for people who treat me like an option and no longer care whether they're in my life or not. The fact remains these people will still be doing everything else in their lives and a text or phone call takes minutes at most. If someone can't spare a minute for you, then why should you spare your time for them.

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While I appreciate your feelings on this, partialy because I agree with you to an extent, you are not the norm. Most women I have met under the age of 40 text pretty much all the time. Since many people do text so frequently, someone who takes days to respond to a text message is just showing how little you mean to them. It isn't that the texting itself, or lack thereof, is the problem, it is just a sign they don't care when a response takes days.

I'd go further and say that some people actively use texting to communicate where you are on the pecking order for them. ie slow fade, back-up plan, etc. It's important to pay attention to how others communicate, even if their style is different from yours.

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We are not allowed cell phones in the building. So during my shift, unless I go to my car, I have no cell phone access, no email access for personal use either. I have been given an emergency contact line if family needs to reach me, but really if a man wants you you will know. But work is work. Even when I'm at work I'm engrossed in my duties.

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I'd go further and say that some people actively use texting to communicate where you are on the pecking order for them. ie slow fade, back-up plan, etc. It's important to pay attention to how others communicate, even if their style is different from yours.

That and sometimes it's used by them to manage your expectations either. If he or she starts taking few hours or few days to respond to you, citing that they are busy.. and if you put up with it, then that can be rightfully made into routine and such behaviour would be deemed normal/ acceptable. If you allow that and one day, when you can't take it anymore and voice it up, you are the one being not understanding. You might be made to feel guilty about being demanding and that's how they keep you in your place.

Edited by KathL
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