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Am I being a bit crazy or should I be worried?

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My boyfriend has gone on holiday with 7 friends for 9 days, I fly out the the country when the friends leave and we have a week together. I won't lie, I'm a bit annoyed that he's chosen to use the bulk of his holiday time with them and that as a result or holiday had to fit with that.


He's been gone 3 days and although he has text me reasonably regularly (a few times a day) it's like he's doing it to tick a box. He send a brief text what they've done and asks a question. When I reply he doesn't prolog the convo, the next text will be unrelated and an update. I ask questions in my texts and again; they're not responded to properly - whatever I text I just reciepe a new update a few hours later.


I'm 26 he's 30 and we have lived together for 2 years and been together 3. I feel like he should perhaps be a bit more interested in what I'm up to etc and maybe send something loving (he misses me or loves me I don't know) instead of me feeling like he thinks he just needs to text every few hours. I wasn't wxpecting him to text half as much as he has but I was hoping when he did they were a bit more meaningful or an actual convo. Am I being an awful girlfriend? I miss him already but am keeping busy. I have his sister over for a girls night out but feel a bit worried this newfound independence may have made him realise he doesn't miss me at all.... And if that's the case what's the point?


Appreciate any replies

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but feel a bit worried this newfound independence may have made him realise he doesn't miss me at all


Yeah, crazy.


What you should be worried about is that your selfishness will kill this relationship. Your boyfriend is having fun, be happy for him. It seems you are a little more emotionally dependent on him than he is on you. And instead of trying to better yourself and be less dependent on him, you want to make him more dependent on you.

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