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Is it true that men want a challenge? In other words should I play hard ro get in order for my boyfriend to be more interested? Some say that if you are too nice or easy to get a guy will get bored or turned off towards you. i don't know seems kind of silly to me.

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1. "Is it true that men want a challenge?"


Most of them do. Yes, most respond more favorably if they have to work a bit to get someone. People in general value more than which is not handed to them on a silver platter.


2. "In other words should I play hard ro get in order for my boyfriend to be more interested?"


Well, if he's your boyfriend he has already gotten you so the hard to get routine won't work for you anymore. However, to keep some spark in the relationship you have already established, being unpredictable really works. Don't always call him at the same time of day and with the same frequency; don't always answer his messages right away; don't always be available for a date...get a life of your own aside from your relationship; go a few days sometimes without talking to him at all.


If you get into a predictable routine, it is real easy for both parties to become bored. You've got to give people something to wonder about, something to keep them on edge...you've simply got to keep things spicy and interesting or your relationship will go get into a rut for sure.


This goes the same for women. Women probably want a challenge more than men do.

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First of all if you have to do something to keep the spark in a relationship then it's not really love. I've been in a relationship for two years with a wonderful woman. We have no friedns just friends at work. I believe when you are in love you never need anyone else and you should never get in a rut.Our passion and desire are still just as much alive as it was when we first meet. and there is no challenge in true love.

1. "Is it true that men want a challenge?"


Most of them do. Yes, most respond more favorably if they have to work a bit to get someone. People in general value more than which is not handed to them on a silver platter. 2. "In other words should I play hard ro get in order for my boyfriend to be more interested?"


Well, if he's your boyfriend he has already gotten you so the hard to get routine won't work for you anymore. However, to keep some spark in the relationship you have already established, being unpredictable really works. Don't always call him at the same time of day and with the same frequency; don't always answer his messages right away; don't always be available for a date...get a life of your own aside from your relationship; go a few days sometimes without talking to him at all. If you get into a predictable routine, it is real easy for both parties to become bored. You've got to give people something to wonder about, something to keep them on edge...you've simply got to keep things spicy and interesting or your relationship will go get into a rut for sure. This goes the same for women. Women probably want a challenge more than men do.

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You're very lucky and I'm happy for you. But I will have to say that you are half of an extraordinary couple. If your assertions about true love are correct then I guess the original poster is not in a relationship where there is true love.

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