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all ladies clue me in

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Women punish innocent men for the crimes of guilty men? Y?


No different to the men who punish innocent women for the crimes of guilty women. Same reason.

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Why do women punish the rebound guy for another mans mistakes?


Who cares? If it's just a rebound, it's not likely to last, anyway.

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i think this happens on both sides.....men and women both have this issue...i think the only way around it ....is to treat everyone for being the individual they are rather than someone else.....is to take every relationship you have as being a unique dynamic between two unique individuals....rebound or not......that when relationships break up...it isnt the fault of just one person.....but both....the dynamic whatever...and forgive the person you were with before getting involved in another relationship does wonders....for a person to be able to move on clear and free...rebound or not..forgiveness is key.......deb

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Why do women punish the rebound guy for another mans mistakes?


Why does anyone (male and female) drag their past baggage into a relationship?


Answer: Because it's easier than doing the heavy lifting of living the emotional fallout and healing from it. Far easier to just date someone else project all your junk there then break up with them and feel as if you've done something productive.


That's not a female thing. It's a people thing.

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Why do women punish the rebound guy for another mans mistakes?



Could you maybe elaborate a bit? Are you in a situation just now where you feel you're being punished for somebody else's mistakes? What happened?

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