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Why I love him....help

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Ok...I told my ex I love him (Karl) and he asked how I could love him I only knew him 3 and a half weeks. But the truth is I love him and everytime I talk to him I lose all train of thought and I cant answer that question....I mean i love him becuase he respected me when we were together and he never pushed me to do something I didnt want. I always had fun with him, and im crazy about him. I cant sleep or eat....all i think about is him. I cry alot because I miss him...but he doesnt think thats love.....he wants a better reason because all I put him thru...what can I say....please dont say how I feel but right now my feelings are all mixed up


I tried to control him.....who he talked to and what he did

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You probably need to curb your obsession. Forget about him for now, just work on yourself. People don't change overnight, and he's smart enough to know this.

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