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My best friend slept with my bf (now ex bf)

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Sorry but beds are expensive, make her frickin pay and no you do not give her the old one, you toss it into the trash, right where your friendship with her should be.


Tell her to stick the money in an envelop and shove it under the door.

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Maybe I'm an a.hole but I'd take the money. F him and F her. If someone did this to me and was trying to do whatever, and offering to pay I'd hold my hand out gladly.


And then when all was said and done they'd both be erased from my life, never to see, hear, or speak to me ever again.


There's no coming back from that. Not even an acquaintanceship. Neither of them are even worth a casual nod in their direction.


I'm not sure why you're putting 100% blame on your ex-bf. She's just as guilty, not sure why you'd feel you'd be able to be friend-LY to her but not him.


For how bad she's betrayed you, she deserves, and he deserves everything coming... but to be honest, I'm going to tell you this. I would NOT be shocked if they wound up together.

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I might carve a message of "endearment" on the headboard so she'll never forget how I fell about her betrayal.

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Wow. I'm sorry you're going through this.


I would definitely tell your parents. They should know, and you will need the support. Plus, you also don't have to protect her from her own drama. She deserves the fallout of what will happen when her own parents find out. Maybe that will even prevent her from pulling this crap ever again.


She sounds like a huge loser and is obviously a back stabber. Your ex is also a piece of trash.

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Don't be friends with her and don't take her money. Letting her buy you a new bed will ease her guilt. It will be like penance to her. After she buys you a new bed she will feel better, because she will feel like she did her best to be the better person and make amends, and you will still feel like crap. If my best friend slept with my bf I wouldn't want anything in my house that was associated with either one of them. I wouldn't let either of them buy me anything or do anything for me that would allow them to think that they could buy a clear conscience.

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A sister who sleeps with your boyfriend?

If there were a blood tie then I can understand that maybe one day you would forgive and move on with a relationship.


You can't choose your family. If a family member screws you over, they are still your family. You can choose your friends. Don't choose ones who screw you over.



Funny, guys say exactly the same thing ;)


Not even a sister. They both should be dead to you. Not as is wish it, make it happened. Rather you cut them out of your life forever.



NC forever.

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Thinking about it, I've had quite a few 'friends' try it on with women that I've been with. Or probably would try it on, but are afraid of getting a smack. They usually have the 'respect' to wait until we broke up or something like that first, but it's sort of the same thing. It's surprisingly normal, and it takes an extremely good person not to go there.


Still, they do something like that and you need to dump them out of your life. It's just how it is. I fell out with my best mate from childhood too.


Someone really can be an amazing friend for all your life, and then try to stab you in the back over a woman/man. The problem is often that they're insecure, and you end up suffering for it.


Just don't allow them to try and screw you over twice.

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I actually have my new full sized bed by now. However, I must say that I felt some satisfaction accepting $500 from her on an envelope. Now she can go to hell.


Some of you might disagree but she ruined both my relationship as well as friendship; she ruined everything. Not accepting the money would have been similar to someone hitting your car and you still having to pay for all the damages. Why should I pay when I'm not the cheater and did nothing wrong?


I've told my parents and I'm no longer on speaking terms with Janie.

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Sorry but beds are expensive, make her frickin pay and no you do not give her the old one, you toss it into the trash, right where your friendship with her should be.


Tell her to stick the money in an envelop and shove it under the door.

Done that. I've taken her out of my contact list. She's no longer my friend. It's not just the cheating but she would also talk smack about me to him even before they betrayed me.
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