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Dating Younger

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Hello I'm not from American so bare with me. I'm into younger boyfriend his 20 I'm 36 dating three months. Any other ladies the same way

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he is 20 and you are 36? he is a kid. I'm assuming you know this, otherwise this thread wouldn't exist. Don't expect a long term relationship out of it

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Yes! My boyfriend is 8 years younger than I am and we have been together almost 3 years. The young ones are the best, really! :love:

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Yes! My boyfriend is 8 years younger than I am and we have been together almost 3 years. The young ones are the best, really! :love:


In an ealier post you said you were 24 years old... so you are dating a 16 year old? Started dating him when he was 13? I'm reeeeaaaalllly hoping this was just a typo. Please clarify for me.


If the ages are accurate, that's not dating, it's called chid abuse.

Edited by Sabella
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Not from the US as well, i am dating a guy online from the US he is 36 and i am 48. Well actually i am confused with our set up, we met in a dating site last February, we started to chat in skype and from then on he did not stop messaging me in viber from the moment he wakes up up until he starts working and sometimes when he gets home due to time difference we will still exchange messages in viber or chat in skype. He started flirting and April came, he popped up the question" how do you call the thing that we have?" I simply told him however he defines it. I think he feels comfy talking to me as he had a very bad experience with a woman before,he started being mean with girls after the failed relationship. In the dating site his fun is to bully other girls. He caught his fiancee cheating on him caught them on the act one late night when he decided to do half a day at work.

When he went away for two months to work in Texas he never did stop sending messages and videos since we cant video chat because of lack of privacy, up to this date we still communicate. He started mentioning about his plan of visiting me that he even checked out the rate of plane ticket but when he starts mentioning things like visiting or staying for a week or so in my country i will immediately divert the conversation to another topic. He says things like he has a bit of feeling for me and that i am his zen and that i am the first woman that he cared for after a long time and that i made him smile and laugh again. At the back of my mind i know this will go nowhere so i am holding back most of the time. When he says he loves me and he misses me a lot i just smile and say nothing. I enjoy talking to him a lot we smile and laugh a lot together, we play games and watch movies online together when we skype. We get intimate online as well. If i dont message him for several days he messages me and he actually mentions how many days i did not message him.When i am out with friends he will keep on messaging me until i get home. He said that he is lucky and blessed that he met me and that he knows that we both have difficulties with relationship as both our past relationship was a failure.

Very confusing really but its fun and i am enjoying our moments though i know this thing will not progress into anything more interesting.Just needed to talk about this on here as i dont tell any of my friends. Any thoughts? .....Thanks for reading sorry if it was a novel.

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depends on the dynamics. but i might have to say no. 20 year old boys have a lot go growing up to do. it would be like taking care of another child who still hasn't even figured out what it means to pay a bill or be a man yet. although situations vary. have your fun if you must, don't go in with high expectations. if he proves him self then the better for the both of you, if he fails then you will be less likely to be let down.

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One of the women am I seeing at the moment is 38 while I am 25. It is a very casual situation and that is why I think it works.


She is looking to be married soon (next few years), she is looking for that man, and she knows it is not me. I know it is not me. Knowing these things and being comfortable with these things is why it works.


Are you and your younger lover looking for the same things? If not, have you two both made peace with your eventual break up? If you are looking for the same things, I would investigate that thoroughly. From my experience: it is unlikely that you are, but if it is, go for it.

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Let's not forget that there are plenty of women who haven't matured as they should have. 2 consenting adults...have fun but be honest.

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Young guys were always after me in my 30s, but I have to say when I tried to date a 21-year-old briefly, he was way too chaotic and immature for me, plus had very little spending money and had just gotten his first apartment and had people over constantly. I remember me at 21 and wasn't much different. But it's not really a great basis for romance.

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