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Found it out my guy friend has a gf!! Why didn't he ever tell me?

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Can anyone tell me why a guy would "forget" to mention he has a gf?


Last night, as I was playing with the phone of a guy I've been hanging out with quite a bit lately, I came across photos of him with a hottie. Asked him point blank who it was, and it's his long-dist gf. He didn't mention her cuz "it never came up" and, anyway, he "doesn't get to see her much".


Rest of evening awkward.


Cuz, I've known this guy for 3 months, and had many conversations and nights out with him where we talk about life, family, hometowns etc. He seemed quite keen - lots of texts msgs, compliments, asking what kind of guy i'm into, a certain episode of blanket footsie...


<although, to be fair, I never asked him whether he had a gf. I did, on the other hand, play offer to set him up with a couple of friends of mine. Which he didn't say no to>


So what did this all mean?

- he kept this fact back on purpose to appear single

- he doesn't see me as good enough a friend to open up to about his personal life

- he is clueless and has selective amnesia


Any advice really appreciated!!!

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To me it looks like he was enjoying your company and maybe a small flirt that he didn't want to risk by telling you that he had a girlfriend. If you had shown serious interest in him, he probably would have told you that he had a girlfriend, but as you didn't he just enjoyed the moment. He's definitely a bit selfish and immature.


Friendships between men and women are difficult and it's always hard to control the dynamics. I keep my friendships with guys usually very clear and if I had a boyfriend I would also mention him somehow to keep the guys informed that there's no chance that anything between them and me is going to develop. As I'm single, I can't do much except not flirting with them to prevent them from getting any wrong ideas.


Is he interested in you? - No, I don't think so, not now at least. There are probably a couple of reasons (like his girlfriend for example) that prevent him from going for you right now.


Some people are a bit insecure and enjoy flirting because it boosts their self-confidence, they're not necessarily cheaters, but they need someone else to confirm that they're attractive. They are often nice, but let's be honest, just plain silly. I had it happen to me and I've seen it happen with other people. They're dummies and need to grow up. :) They are poor souls, because they have no clue about what they want and what kind of harm they produce. Learn to spot them and to keep them at bay. :)

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Can anyone tell me why a guy would "forget" to mention he has a gf?



For the same reason a woman does it. He enjoys the attention you are giving him and realizes that if you find out he has a girlfriend, you will back off.


It happened to me a few years ago with a good female friend/co-worker. We used to hang out and enjoyed working with each other. She hid her boyfriend from me for almost 6-7 months. Oh, he knew about me, and was very upset. When I found she had a boyfriend, I backed off because I don't like flirting with another man's woman. This upset her because she wasn't getting all of the attention she used to get. So, she was angry and could not understand why I did what I did. So, in your case, expect the same thing from this guy.

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  • 3 months later...

Oh my God Zonarosa!!


Ur story sounds EXACTLY like mine... only in this case the gender is reversed.


If u have the time and patience read about it here:




to make a long story short she and i hung out, i asked her number and she gave it to me, we went for lunch, dinner, movies, ball-games... she took me to her apartment, sends email / text messages every single day, in the train she will sit only with me... blah blah blah blah.... after nearly 2 months of this crap i learnt that she has a long-distance boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!! i got burnt and gutted right there.... keyword here is "learnt"... she never told me about him..


some people r so sh*tty they stink so f*ckin bad!!! Big time losers.. F*cking small time self-centered b*stards!!


i did ask that woman about it and she told that it was "on again, off again" relationship... i don't know what the f*ck that means as i am from India and very very new to the American dating scene..


just let it go... its not worth breaking ur heart for such sh*tty people

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he never think u as a friend. thats y he didnt tell u.

face the reality buddy.


happily boys and girls here is the epilogue to the whole story:


- so apparently boy was in the process of dumping his gf of 4 yrs

- he did it over a weekend where she flew in to see him (how awkward)

- the weeks following he was quite the broken man, grieving and pouring his heart out




- 1 month later - i hear and see him with a sassy new girl - i tell him "fast work!" he smirks "yes and no..."

- 1 month after that - he's buying her a ring?!?


whatever man. poor his ex is all i have to say.

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happily boys and girls here is the epilogue to the whole story:


- so apparently boy was in the process of dumping his gf of 4 yrs

- he did it over a weekend where she flew in to see him (how awkward)

- the weeks following he was quite the broken man, grieving and pouring his heart out




- 1 month later - i hear and see him with a sassy new girl - i tell him "fast work!" he smirks "yes and no..."

- 1 month after that - he's buying her a ring?!?


whatever man. poor his ex is all i have to say.

He sounded like an idiot, but I didn't realize it was that bad. :sick:

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