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About 6 months ago, I moved back home with my parents. I'm 25 years old now and will be living at home for at least a few months before I move out on my own again. I have a younger sister who's 19 and a brother 16 who both live at home also. We all have our own bedrooms.


Here's the problem, several weeks ago I was packing to go away on vacation. I could not find the bathing suit that I had just bought a week before. I searched the entire house. The last place I checked was my brothers room. I found it in his closet. Lord knows what it was doing there.


When I got back from vacation, I noticed another bathing suit missing from my room. Guess where I found it? It was in my brothers' closet. Here's the thing I don't understand, first, I don't know why they're winding up in his closet. I'm afraid to even imagine. Secondly, he went and took a second one after I found the first one. He either didn't figure out that I took the first one back, or he doesn't care that I found it.


I don't want him taking my things. I can't lock my bedroom door. I don't want to embarrass him, but I paid good money for both suits. I don't want to by new ones all the time. When I move out eventually, this will no longer be a problem, but what should I do in the mean time?

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Well, If it really bothers you, I suggest you ask your brother what is going on. Don't accise him of anything, just ask. If there is some kind of problem, it needs to be addressed at some point anyway. Good luck.

About 6 months ago, I moved back home with my parents. I'm 25 years old now and will be living at home for at least a few months before I move out on my own again. I have a younger sister who's 19 and a brother 16 who both live at home also. We all have our own bedrooms. Here's the problem, several weeks ago I was packing to go away on vacation. I could not find the bathing suit that I had just bought a week before. I searched the entire house. The last place I checked was my brothers room. I found it in his closet. Lord knows what it was doing there. When I got back from vacation, I noticed another bathing suit missing from my room. Guess where I found it? It was in my brothers' closet. Here's the thing I don't understand, first, I don't know why they're winding up in his closet. I'm afraid to even imagine. Secondly, he went and took a second one after I found the first one. He either didn't figure out that I took the first one back, or he doesn't care that I found it. I don't want him taking my things. I can't lock my bedroom door. I don't want to embarrass him, but I paid good money for both suits. I don't want to by new ones all the time. When I move out eventually, this will no longer be a problem, but what should I do in the mean time?
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There's alot of possiblities why the suits are ending up in your brother's closet. But the best way is to casually ask him if he's seen your suit. If he says no, then something's fishy. Then you can ask him what it's doing in his closet. I had a friend with the same problem. Her brother would borrow some clothes when his girlfriend was over for her to have something else to wear. Just ask, then you can deal with him later.

About 6 months ago, I moved back home with my parents. I'm 25 years old now and will be living at home for at least a few months before I move out on my own again. I have a younger sister who's 19 and a brother 16 who both live at home also. We all have our own bedrooms. Here's the problem, several weeks ago I was packing to go away on vacation. I could not find the bathing suit that I had just bought a week before. I searched the entire house. The last place I checked was my brothers room. I found it in his closet. Lord knows what it was doing there. When I got back from vacation, I noticed another bathing suit missing from my room. Guess where I found it? It was in my brothers' closet. Here's the thing I don't understand, first, I don't know why they're winding up in his closet. I'm afraid to even imagine. Secondly, he went and took a second one after I found the first one. He either didn't figure out that I took the first one back, or he doesn't care that I found it. I don't want him taking my things. I can't lock my bedroom door. I don't want to embarrass him, but I paid good money for both suits. I don't want to by new ones all the time. When I move out eventually, this will no longer be a problem, but what should I do in the mean time?
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You should just ask him about it. My opinion is that if he's doing anything kinky with it, he wouldn't hide it in as obvious a place as his closet. (Seems like it would be wadded up in the corner of a drawer or under the bed.) Any reason why you looked there in the first place? I could see searching your sister's closet, but your brother's? Did you suspect anything strange about him to begin with?


But seriously, just ask him. Probably his girlfriend or girl friend borrowed it. (And if so, tell him that's awfully rude of him to lend out your bathing suit, not to mention unhygenic.) Is any of your underwear missing?

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