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First Meeting-Sike!

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Tonight I was supposed to meet a guy from OLD. Not to date, but to network and chatting.


Well we named the place, day, but no time. He said he was going home first before we met in person. I figured an hour tops since we both leave work at the same time.


Well I waited for him to text me and no text. So I decided to text him and asked him when are we meeting and said that he figured that I didn't want to meet him since I said that I was going home to rest up before meeting him.


I'm lost. Where did this communication go wrong?

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I guess we were both wrong obviously. On to the next dude.

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Well I'm "supposed" to be meeting a new friend from OLD tomorrow night. I'll leave it up to him to let me know location and time.


If not, there's many others in the sea. I'm liking this endless abundance of men. If this doesn't work out there's plenty of more they came from.


One poster is right. I can never run out of men. With this new mentality. I can at least meet several new ppl per week.

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Well I finally met the guy who stood me up yesterday, today after work at Starbucks.


He'd texted me asking me if I still wanted to see him and I said yes. This time I named the place and time. He showed up. He looked better in person than in pics. He was a gentleman. We met for 15 minutes and I left because I had another meeting from OLD in less than an hour. That first meeting of the second guy went great!!! I met him at another Starbucks! Lol... He's short, but hey I'm out to network and meet new friends. It lasted over two hours. This second guy said that he'll contact me next week to hang out. My weekend is full with work and prep work for Father's Day stuff.


My question to you is, I'd texted the first guy to thank him for meeting me, but he never responded. Do you think he'll respond?


He was a little pretentious for me, but very well mannered.

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I just heard back from guy I first met early today. He said it was his pleasure in meeting me.


So now I know to just hang back and see what develops from the both of them.


I'm also meeting up with a person I used to crush hard on when I was working in his department when I was married this weekend. My now ex used to accuse me of sleeping with every man there at work. If my ex hubby can see me now because that one guy I wish to fulfill my ex hubby's fear.


I'll keep y'all posted on what develops over the weekend or the following week. I'm ready to dust off the ol' cobwebs.

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Both of these men ended up being a no.


I went against my principles and was persistent with the second man because we kicked it off so well to be my bff. He flatly said it wasn't a match! Damn! So I told him I just wanted to be his platonic friend and I haven't heard from him ever again.


It's a no just that quick!


Well it's true...when one door closes and window opens.


I still have that guy from my old job coming by on Sunday and two more men want to meet me!


Keep ya posted! Thanks for reading.

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Tell me what you think...


I'm thinking about doing a live tell all after I've been on 1000 first meets of OLD. Again not trying to find anyone, but to find a friend.


I think this way it will make the journey exciting and fun. I know I have a lot to share and great advice to give anyone.


LS you can participate to by helping me keep track of my first meets. I'll post here and we'll do this thing together. Once I reach 1000 meets I'll post my first live YouTube experience and leave the link on LS.


Here's to happy first meetings!

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I can't believe that I was dissed by a leprechaun! I wanted to be his platonic friend and he told me that I wasn't a match for him.


He should be glad that someone wanted to be his friend. Next time he may not get an offer from anyone!


Everyone knows short men are oftentimes passed over.


The nerve of that Danny DeVito!

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Some men have trouble being friends with girls. Man #2 is probably looking for a romantic connection and wanted to focus his time/energy on finding a romantic match.


IMO, I actually think most men can't be great friends with girls, but some try. Just my opinion though.

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I can't believe that I was dissed by a leprechaun! I wanted to be his platonic friend and he told me that I wasn't a match for him.


He should be glad that someone wanted to be his friend. Next time he may not get an offer from anyone!


Everyone knows short men are oftentimes passed over.


The nerve of that Danny DeVito!


Here's a newsflash for you. Short people also have standards and preferences. They also want to meet someone they feel a spark and connection with. They are not dropping to their knees in gratefulness everytime someone so much as talks to them. I suspect this short guy is already getting his fair share of offers and already has friends. Also most men on dating sites are not looking for platonic friends. If you are going to get angry at every man who rejects you on the dating sites and take it personally you will become bitter and jaded pretty quickly.

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