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i really need some good solid advice about this girl i have fallen for

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i have known this girl for about a month and i know she likes me very much, i have very strong feelings for her and i am unsure as to wether she feels the same or not.


she has a little girl who is 4 months old, i have been going round to see them both quite often, but i went round there today and she seemed slightly off, i dont know who with as i came home without saying goodbye, i feel like a right plum and i think i have messed things right up (again!) she told me a couple of weeks ago that she was scared to mess things up, i just want to make something work for a change as she is a lovely girl.

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You said that you know that she has feelings for you are you just unsure of what type of feelings? the onlt way to find out is to ask her AND her little girl out to the park or something so you can talk to her.

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