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Conflicted feelings towards him

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There is a guy, Kenny, who I have known for a year and a half. We are 6 years apart- him being 20, and I, 26. We got to know each other through an educational program, and when we found out we shared the same birthdays, I ended up bonding with him as brother and sister. We had always hung out in a group setting in the past, and for a while, we stopped communications due to our busy schedules.Communications were sporadic at best; sometimes we would text each other to say hi.


In early February, we got back in contact, and he helped me out with my move to my place. However, after he had helped me out with my move, we started hanging out more and more. At first it was small catch-ups with dinners here and there, then it became walks around the city after walk, and evening talks outside. I even invited him as a guest to my college graduation.


Three weekends ago, I asked him to come over to my place to help me set up my IKEA drawer, and afterwards I invited him to a house party the same night. Since there was drinking, and he was technically underage, he hadn't stayed long and I walked him to the train station. We ended up talking on some park benches for over 2 hours, and after he left, I realized I was attracted to him.


Since that night, we have spoken daily, and spent every weekend watching a movie and going out to dinner. I had even invited him to my place to sleep and while I kept things platonic between us, my feelings were growing. So much so, this past Wednesday, I had him stay over on a work night and I initiated a kiss. I'd even invited him over again this weekend, and we made out.


I don't know how the friendship changed from brother/sister to us being attracted to each other. He is technically a " baby", but in his defense, he is also 5 months shy of 21, works full-time as an IT technician for A&E Networks, AND going to school part-time for computer engineering. He is pretty much grown up, but still underage in the eyes of the law.


I am 26, just got my Bachelors in Business Administration, and transitioning into my first salaried job as an Executive Assistant to the CEO of a financial firm. My life experiences and where I am in life, I definitely know I want a relationship with a guy who is family oriented and wants to get married.


I'm so conflicted about my feelings towards him and as much as I wish I can say that I can do whatever I want, I cannot say that I want to start a relationship with him (althought he tells me he really likes me).


The age gap is the biggest issue, because although I have dated older people I find it weird that I'm attracted to someone who is that much younger than me.


Can somebody please tell me what to do because this has been extremely difficult for me to deal with.

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It's good that he is not 21 yet, because you have these 5 months to find out how you really feel about him - try getting him know as much as you can for those 5 months, and then at the end you will be able to decide what you are feeling. After he is 21, the 'physical side of things' will help to bond two of you if you actually decide to be together by that time.


Until then the best advice I can give you is to be honest with him on what you are feeling at the moment. It will do no harm to your relationship, to the contrary, it will strenghten it. And if he backs off, he was not good match for you anyways...


So just treat him the way you would want to be treated, and things will likely turn out OK :)


All the best :)

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Thank you for your response.


I guess I forgot to mention that he is still a "virgin" hence, my hesitations towards him. He doesn't try anything or try to push me for anything, and aside from his lack of sexual experience, he does act very mature for his age.


I just don't want to hurt him or get hurt.

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