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selling ex's stuff

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so i still have some of my ex's things


he knows i still have them, but we are never speaking again,


so it's okay to sell them right

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Uh no. How do you know youre never speaking again? And insead of seling them, why dont you give them to perhaps a mutual friend of yours? Or drop them off at his place of employment. BUt dont sell them. Theyre not your items to sell. Maybe after like, a couple of years bring them to the goodwill or seomthing, but dont sell them, that just isnt cool

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How long ago did you break up? If it was years ago, then get rid of it however you choose. If it was recently, you should ask him if he wants it back first. Make sure to give him the opportunity to reclaim his stuff.


If he does want it, but you don't want to see each other, make arrangements to either drop them off with a friend of his or have one of his friends come get them.


If he says he doesn't want it, tell him you're getting rid of it. It'd be best to it by email or have someone else around who can confirm that he said he didn't want it in case he decides to get crazy and sue you claiming he never said you could get rid of it.


If he says you can, how you choose to do that it is up to you, even if that's selling it. After all, you're the one who's going to the trouble of having to haul off his stuff. If he was a jerk in the relationship, you can consider the money you make off it as "a**h*** tax".

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Sal Paradise

No it isn't ok to sell it. Ask him if he wants it and if he cares if you sell it. Only a ***** would sell it out of vengence. The relationship is over, get over it. Doing something like this just makes you appear pathetic.

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Originally posted by mixedupgirl

so i still have some of my ex's things


he knows i still have them, but we are never speaking again,


so it's okay to sell them right


I was in a similar situation. After holding her clothes for five months, I told her she needed to make arrangements to get them in 30 days or I was going to get rid of them.


I waited, she didn't take care of it, so I donated it to goodwill. I am, however, taking the $1300 tax deduction on my return.

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actually, it IS stealing. And your ex COULD (technically) sue you in small claims court.

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Originally posted by mixedupgirl

so i still have some of my ex's things


he knows i still have them, but we are never speaking again,


so it's okay to sell them right




don't sell it give it back......selling it is not cool

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