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Why is he acting so weird?

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So I posted a thread like a couple of weeks ago on this. I told a friend I liked him and he was all weird saying he didn't know and he would think about it. He basically emailed me after to tell me he still wasn't sure, but he thought he liked me a friend. I took this as a 'nope but don't have the guts to tell you.' So a little time has passed and he is acting like a complete douche bag. Basically he then emailed me again, and he went into this long thing about his various ex gfs. Nothing weird in that, right? Only problem is in the at least once weekly times we hung out, sometimes me accompanying him on the road for his job, he NEVER thought to tell me he was in a relationship at ANY point. And this has been going on for years. I mean wtf? If I'm just a friend like he made out when he rejected me by going 'oh I don't know, I don't think I like you like that' then surely it's ok to talk about gf right? The only time I hide dating from anyone is when I secretly want to date them and don't want to put them off. It does not make sense to hide a gf from a close 'platonic' friend. I replied politely thanking him for his clarification.


The more I think about it the more convinced I am that his behaviour is just off. When it first happened I was soo embarrassed but now I'm kind of pissed. I'm pretty sure I read the signals, he used to do so much for me without me asking and I did tuns for him too in fact I have supported him though terrible times and have been a really good friend. We were such good buds and now he's gone all weird. Anyway he sent me a fb message after the last email asking me if I wanted to go to this outdoor movie (night time) and that he would set up a picnic and that I was welcome to stay at his place after since he would prepare wine and I could not drive home. I think that's just weird. You reject a close friend and then try and get her to go out on what I totally see as date-y thing. I said no, very politely, and now he's just gone. No contact at all. I'm kind of sad that I've lost my friend. If I had been in his position I would try and stay in touch with my friend and and help her not feel so embarrassed but it's like he doesn't care. BTW recently he is on fb chat ALL the time. He never used to even check his fb page, he would check it like once every couple of weeks. It seems to me there's some girl or girls that he's talking to on it. I know none of this matters and he was totally in his rights to reject me but he is just being so disrespectful about it I just wish he'd treat me with a little more respect because of our history. I wish he'd just told me he had another girl he was interested in instead of making me feel like I was some sort of weirdo who had imagined all this in her head.

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Oh and I contacted him once as a friend just telling him that there was this one copy of this record he has been wanting for a long time (he collects records) was in the shop. I told him I had taken it to the counter and asked the manager to keep it for him which he agreed to do. My friend replied with 'ok thanks' and then nothing. Also just to be clear it does suck he does not feel the same way and I am sad but I am ok with it never happening between us. I just find his lack of respect really hard to figure.

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