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How should I play this one?

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There is this girl at work that i have been keen lately. I don't really see her that often but she has a really bubbly personality. We get on really well, the other day she told me that i make her smile. Anyways I sometimes randomly leave stupid notes or drawings on her desk of all weird stuff, she keeps them pinned up in her desk, she seems to like it.


She asked me today a very random question. I dated another co worker a long time ago, and she asked me about it. I just said it was a long time ago now.


I want to ask this girl out but it's risky in a work environment. I don't know if she liked me back to begin with but would knowing about me having a past relationship with another co worker have wrecked my chances with her?

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Jersey born raised

Thousand and one what ifs. It could be see was looking what to see what you learned. In a sense pre qualifying you. Could be looking for insight into a current relationship you are unaware of.


What is your companies policy in this regard? Are you in anyway in a position of authority of her or might be perceived to be?


Depending on the answer to these questions perhaps ask to speak to her and just ask her the questions I just posted.

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normal person

Check the policy about dating within the company. If it's kosher, have a few drinks with her after work and all will be revealed.



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I think it's possible she's interested. She'd probably want to know what happened when you and the other worker broke up and how that went and if that woman still has her job.

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