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men and prostitution


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Ok. My question is on male's and prostitutes. Ladies and men please comment.


I was speaking to my boyfriend about porn/titty bars/and going to prostitutes. I think porn and titty bars are ok in moderation. But he said he sees nothing wrong with being in Amsterdam/Thailand, etc. and paying for a bit of booty more for the curiosity/novelty and bragging bucks i guess. He also said if he were single he would do it, but said on the other hand he didn't know if once there he'd personally want to go through with it..have moral last-minute reservations about it, etc. But he saw nothing wrong with guys doing it. As a woman I have mixed feelings about it and would love some insight.


Has any girl out there dated a guy who's been to a prostitute? Did this ever bother you? what do the guys say on this matter.

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I personally would not be with a prostitute, not only because I consider the idea repulsive, but I would be afraid of diseases; I would be afraid of being robbed; and I would be very concerned that the prostitute was an undercover cop ready to put me in the slammer for unlawful procurement.


But I do know guys who use prostitutes feel like they get the biggest bang for their buck, pardon the pun. I mean, it's straight to business. It's a very honest transaction. Each party knows exactly what the deal is and it's plain and simple. I think men who use prostitutes are, for the most part, men who don't want to make the emotional investment in a relationship.


There are businessmen who hire prostitutes when they go out of town because it ensures they will have sex despite the fact they don't have time to wine and dine a lady. It's also a way they can have sex with someone different without the complications assoicated with having a full blown affair.


Just thinking about the whole thing makes me nauseated but there are all kinds of people out there. It would be nice if prositution were legalized and regulated so the females would be constantly checked for diseases and have background checks to be sure they had no serious criminal background. They do that in other countries and it seems to work out well.


I once knew a very nice girl who lived in Texas who had no birth certificate or driver's license and nobody would hire her. She became a prostitute in order to be able to feed her two children. That was really sad. So I don't judge prostitutes for what they do...I just stear clear of them.

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I agree it'd be nice to have it all legalized...


After all, if there's a couple where one partner wants kinkier stuff than the other one... i think paid sex is one of the solutions.... no?

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YOU WRITE: "After all, if there's a couple where one partner wants kinkier stuff than the other one... i think paid sex is one of the solutions.... no?"


Just how many people do you know who wouldn't mind their partner being with a prostitute? Paid sex would be an option if the cost wasn't a lot more than money.

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most guys i know find them very unattraactive (i'm not talking about looks, either), and "dirty".


i only know of one guy who went to a prostitute in amsterdam when he was blind drunk, laughed so hard and couldn't "get it up". he actually found her quite repulsive. it was a bet between him and his friends (i could think of better bets to make than that!!) the prostitute actually let his friends in with them to watch (ewwww, disgusting i know). apparently she got angry because he couldn't perform and took his money anyway.


on the other hand, i know a lot of guys who have no hesitation in going into a nudey bar. it's not so personal (unless they jiggle themselves in their face etc). i even know of girls that have gone along to watch too. no big deal if they don't try and drag your man into a room for "a bit of fun".


the guys i know are quite repulsed by the ideas of a prostitute, mainly because you cannot safely say if they have a disease or not. a lot of prostitutes these days have to take part in mandatory std testing, but not all do. disease, and also morals, plays a big part in whether or not the guys i know would go to a prostitute. god knows where they have been and what they might do to you (maybe steal money, hurt you....these things have been known to happen).


i would never judge a woman or a man for becoming a prostitute. they have their reasons and they are people too. but i think it is so sad that they have to resort to selling their bodies for drugs or to support a family or because their pimp boyfriend pressures them into it.....sure, they know what they are getting themselves into, but it's damn dangerous - physically and mentally. if i were a guy, i wouldn't touch one with a 10 foot pole.


i think a lot of guys are naturally curious about prostitutes, but i could bet my money that 99% of them, when it came to the crunch, could not bear to go through with it, unless they were strictly looking for quick sex with no strings attached.

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