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Things are good


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Honestly, this week has been intensely gratifying, and I am enjoying what it points to. I figure with the advice I've asked for and given to others on here it might not be a bad change of pace to write a post on how things are actually pretty good right now. That's not to say I would shun insight from any of you here, but honestly things seem very on the level.


So, I do the whole online dating thing in addition to meeting people in person. It does work, though the ballgame is a lot different than meeting in person. (I'd imagine a few of you are nodding right now) The long story short is on Sunday (A week ago today) I sent off a pretty nonchalant email to a woman, figuring it'd never get anywhere, she seemed too... something, who knows. Well, I got a reply back less than a half hour later, and soon after that we got into a two hour long IM discussion. We did so again Monday. Again Tuesday. From there we ditched the typing game and went to phone convos. Talked for an hour and a half Wednesday, and again Thursday. A shorter one on Friday. She turned out to be pretty cool. We planned our first meeting for Sat morning and were going to visit the zoo, except it rained so we walked around the mall. Granted, as far as a date goes it couldve gone better, but what can you do. She had to work later on that day, and we talked pretty much nonstop so it's not like it went badly, but it was more of us meeting as friends than anything. I made her laugh quite a few times, we talked about a variety of subjects, and I heard "It was nice meeting you" from her about three times as we made our way to her car.


So, over our conversations she got me interested in her church, so Sunday I attended. Its a big church and she always sits with her friend and friends family, and given that I didnt want her to think I was only visiting the church for her I didnt ask to sit by her. I didnt want to be too smothering, given the short span Ive known her and the fact that religion can be a fairly personal thing. (More heads nodding?) Turns out, I not only enjoyed the service but was fairly moved by it. About a half hour after the service she called me and asked me if I went and how I liked it, and after that we got to talking about her weeks plans. This week she doesnt work in the evening, but she isn't working because she is busy with having family come up from out of town to visit her. All things considered she pretty much told me her entire lifes plans for the next 7 days without me even asking, I'm guessing she really doesnt want to give the impression she just wants to blow me off but I digress. Anyway, so I used a bit of wit when I mentioned that we should hang out sometime this week if she gets the chance and got "Well, Ill be busy with my family and all so things are definately hit and miss this week... but we definately need to yeah".


So mutual interest, yay. I may be a guy whos pretty good as putting up the nonchalant front when it comes to dating, but really its kind of nice to have the feeling that you cant wait to talk to someone again. It could all be a flash in the pan, things could suddenly cease (Both of which has happened before), but at the same time I see promise here. Either way, maybe she'll call tomorrow, maybe I'll play the waiting game and wait to call her until Tuesday, but honestly as anxious as the unknown can make a person ain't it just wonderful?

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