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Was I A Fool Am I Still?

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We have three children together two boys and one girl. The oldest is ten. None of them really know whats going on. As far as they know there is no reason for us to break up. I fear if I kick her out they'll think it's for no reason. I mean other then her job(which is having a negative impact) everything is good. I keep thinking about how I receive death threats at work (my work involves the law)because of my job but my wife still stays with me. Part of me feels I should do the same.


Your right but the reason I told that story was to explain that even though she can be selfish, a brat, and she's not good at letting her feelings show but she can be there in the ways that count. Before that happened I was planning on leaving her because I thought she didn't care about anyone but herself. I realized I was wrong after that.


Also she didn't just leave him in an comfortable position. He was from what I understand locked in a confined space and completely had a panic attack and was a complete mess after being in their so long. Wow I just realized the most romantic thing my wife has probably ever done was risk serious harm to another human being just to see if I was alright.


I am thinking of the kids literally this is the main issue(her job) but it's the only problem. Also I don't want to say to them when their older "Sorry I left her because I didn't like her job." I feel like divorcing her for that would be terrible. I mean a lot of women would leave me because of what I do.


Your wife's attitude is also a serious problem. Her selfishness and disrespect is not going to magically disappear if she quits the job. Also, you aren't asking your wife to quit a typical position. You are asking her to leave sex work which is generally unsuitable for spouses and parents.


It looks like you're living in denial and romanticizing this situation based on your wife leaving someone in restraints.

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