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Was I A Fool Am I Still?

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She started out from what I understand as a underage prostitute and later turned to stripping and eventually porn though according to her she's now a dominatrix. However regardless I find it all disgusting she has no intention of giving it up either.

I've tried being a father to my step daughter but she's never liked me. She's exactly like her mother only worse. As for my wife every time I start to trust her something happens like she creates drama.
First, do not have children of your own with her. Second, do not have children of your own with her. Last but not least, do not have children of your own with her.
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However I think that is only part of it I she likes escaping into her dominatrix persona.


Another reason I don't trust her in her profession is if she's addicted to the sexual rush or whatever it's only a matter of time before she escalates.


The first paragraph is 100% true. And thats why the second part is probaly not true.


She likes inflicting pain, not getting fuxked. These are 2 separate things. The sexual part is her nightmare. The inflicting pain part is her vengeance.


My story part 2 and why I came to LS. My youth had CSA, not for me but my sister. I personally put a end to it at 15, with a threat of extreme bodily harm. It took a long time for my sister to heal. But she did and has 3 children and a hard working husband. I learned to protect and serve the country, because of this. A hero complex with a side of violence. (But never to a woman)


At the time i said hello to LS, The woman I was with had a dark secret. She was into Alternative. (Not the first dom woman) I did not have a problem with that, as it could be fun, , but the reason she was that way, was tied to her childhood. That made it impossible for me to participate. Someone said something on LS and i realized, I could not stay.


The drugs should be your worry. The fear that the dominatrix will turn into somerhing else, is baseless. if you open your eyes and see the person, not your clientele.


She appears to be every name in the book you called her and probaly a few more. But she is still your wife, until you say not. Dig deeper. I couldnt stay, but I am not you.


Someone has to be the hero. And God said, it is you.


Strength and Honor brother. I hope she appreciates it one day.


And for the MrsC. Get it together, already. Dang!! You think you are so hot, but once you remove the makeup, you are damn lucky to have this guy as a husband.

Edited by 66Charger
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The first paragraph is 100% true. And thats why the second part is probaly not true.


She likes inflicting pain, not getting fuxked. These are 2 separate things. The sexual part is her nightmare. The inflicting pain part is her vengeance.


My story part 2 and why I came to LS. My youth had CSA, not for me but my sister. I personally put a end to it at 15, with a threat of extreme bodily harm. It took a long time for my sister to heal. But she did and has 3 children and a hard working husband. I learned to protect and serve the country, because of this. A hero complex with a side of violence. (But never to a woman)


At the time i said hello to LS, The woman I was with had a dark secret. She was into Alternative. (Not the first dom woman) I did not have a problem with that, as it could be fun, , but the reason she was that way, was tied to her childhood. That made it impossible for me to participate. Someone said something on LS and i realized, I could not stay.


The drugs should be your worry. The fear that the dominatrix will turn into somerhing else, is baseless. if you open your eyes and see the person, not your clientele.


She appears to be every name in the book you called her and probaly a few more. But she is still your wife, until you say not. Dig deeper. I couldnt stay, but I am not you.


Someone has to be the hero. And God said, it is you.


Strength and Honor brother. I hope she appreciates it one day.


And for the MrsC. Get it together, already. Dang!! You think you are so hot, but once you remove the makeup, you are damn lucky to have this guy as a husband.

Your right I'm probably making a big deal out of her profession when I shouldnt be I've been looking at my situation as I would look at it at my job. I've been treating her like a criminal an not as my wife. She maybe a criminal and if she wasn't my wife I'd treat her like one. However the fact remains she's the mother of my children (we've had three since being married) and I should be treating her better. Another concern of mine is that I might not be able to keep my job and I know how this is going to sound but in my line of work I'm not allowed associating with criminals and my wife is one. So I don't know what I'll do in that regard.

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you know her best, and you know her personality. id hate to say it but nice guys finish last. with this in mind, stop being the nice guy and man up. first question is, does her line of work affect you? i can't imagine it doesnt effect her, and in return will affect you. woman aren't built to tend to numerous men. i don't knw what kind of sex worker you are talking about but most of them have a certain type of personality. they are needy love attention and have a low self esteem. this makes it difficult to love someone who has a hard time loving themselves. I would recommend having her change her line of work and this will change her personality. try something more traditional like a secretary or something. from there you can weed out the bad parts of her character and help mold her to be a better mother and wife. it won't be easy, it will take time and commitment. and she must want it!!! people can change but it depends on the circumstances. she has to want it as much as you. if she doesnt, you can accept her as is or walk away. those are the only options. i think u kno what u need to do but don't want to take that step. if you aren't ready for what ever reason, make sure you know that while you stay you are making an effort as well as she. it takes 2. i wouldnt leave unless it is a last resort, you have children.

So when I was in college I met my wife I thought I found my dream girl. I admit she was younger and at first it concerned me but she was just too much of a dream come true and I bought into it hook line and sinker. I would be lying if I said I didn't see warning signs that she was keeping secrets from me but I just dismissed them. I admit I'm not the best judge of character and I can be guilable in that I like seeing the good in people maybe a little too much.


I threw her out after I discovered she was a sex worker and I took her back hoping maybe I could get to know the real her even though our relationship was built on a lie I still wanted to try for the kids. I don't know if I'm seeing her true self now or if I'm just seeing what I've been ignoring.


It's not even what she does or what she's done it's that she's just she acts less like an adult and more like a spoiled teenager sometimes. She's entitled, rude, blunt, and she always blames somebody else because well she's supposedly never at fault.


I mean she twists everything around and tries making herself the victim. I love her and I want to believe she can change but I sometimes think I made a mistake letting her come back. I'm just tired and I don't know what to do.

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You have a huge decision to make brother. You said you were in counseling with her. Not all counseling is created equal. Trust is such a critical part of any marriage. Do you think you can continue with the counseling to build back the trust, if she is willing to make some changes?

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Your kids come first. That means you have to keep your job.


Have you read all of what your wife has posted on here?


If yes, why are you talking about staying with her? Your wife is playing sex games with other men and you are still with her. She is not going to change.


So you are going to give up your job and everything go into financial ruin. How will you support your kids then?


Get a grip on reality man, she will not change with out help and she has to want to.


Protect your kids.

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Your kids come first. That means you have to keep your job.


Have you read all of what your wife has posted on here?


If yes, why are you talking about staying with her? Your wife is playing sex games with other men and you are still with her. She is not going to change.


So you are going to give up your job and everything go into financial ruin. How will you support your kids then?


Get a grip on reality man, she will not change with out help and she has to want to.


Protect your kids.


Mr. Cong


As much as I would like to urge you to stay with your wife and work things out....this is a two way street and if she will not move from the Sex Trade, (taking the cheating part, if she's actually cheating with the OM and OW / her clients) assuming what she's actually doing is illegal, you have no choice here but to protect your children with your ability to support them. You may or may not be able to accept what she is "really" doing or even what she says she is doing but if she's not budging....you need to begin to circle the wagons.


Trust me, when i read Mrs Cong's posts, I hear a person who is really in need of some intense help. She's not a bad person but a person that seems to be holding on to something that in familiar and that she feels is the one thing that she is "good" at. That being said, one cannot fix another without a willing partner.


Be well, my heart really goes out to you and I see no straight answers and no clear winners.

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Your kids come first. That means you have to keep your job.


Have you read all of what your wife has posted on here?


If yes, why are you talking about staying with her? Your wife is playing sex games with other men and you are still with her. She is not going to change.


So you are going to give up your job and everything go into financial ruin. How will you support your kids then?


Get a grip on reality man, she will not change with out help and she has to want to.


Protect your kids.


Mr. Cong


As much as I would like to urge you to stay with your wife and work things out....this is a two way street and if she will not move from the Sex Trade, (taking the cheating part, if she's actually cheating with the OM and OW / her clients) assuming what she's actually doing is illegal, you have no choice here but to protect your children with your ability to support them. You may or may not be able to accept what she is "really" doing or even what she says she is doing but if she's not budging....you need to begin to circle the wagons.


Trust me, when i read Mrs Cong's posts, I hear a person who is really in need of some intense help. She's not a bad person but a person that seems to be holding on to something that in familiar and that she feels is the one thing that she is "good" at. That being said, one cannot fix another without a willing partner.


Be well, my heart really goes out to you and I see no straight answers and no clear winners.

Maybe you guys are right maybe I've just been blind this whole time.:(

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Plus she's the hottest woman I've ever known and I know she could have any guy she wants if she left.



No she can't. Very very few men would have her at all.


Yes, she could have unlimited sexual encounters with random strangers, but hardly any men would have her as a partner/GF/wife.


Random men would gladly have sex with here but none would take her home to mom, introduce her to friends and family, take her to the office picnic, take care of her when she's sick, love and raise and nurture her children, share a mortgage, car payments and financial instruments with her, walk through the park holding hands and talking about nothing in particular with her.


No other men will do her laundry, mow her lawn, fix her car, unclog her toilet or anything else that will make her life more rich, enjoyable or comfortable unless there is a blowjob in it for them.


In other words you are either a rare gem and her one special snowflake, or you are the world's biggest chump.


What spells the difference between the two is how she treats you and how much respect, admiration, love and loyalty she she shows you.


If she treats you like a King and her one special Hunk'a Burn'n Love, then it's all good.


But if she treats you like her servant and her fool, then you are up for the Chump Of The Year Award.

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No she can't. Very very few men would have her at all.


Yes, she could have unlimited sexual encounters with random strangers, but hardly any men would have her as a partner/GF/wife.


Random men would gladly have sex with here but none would take her home to mom, introduce her to friends and family, take her to the office picnic, take care of her when she's sick, love and raise and nurture her children, share a mortgage, car payments and financial instruments with her, walk through the park holding hands and talking about nothing in particular with her.


No other men will do her laundry, mow her lawn, fix her car, unclog her toilet or anything else that will make her life more rich, enjoyable or comfortable unless there is a blowjob in it for them.


In other words you are either a rare gem and her one special snowflake, or you are the world's biggest chump.


What spells the difference between the two is how she treats you and how much respect, admiration, love and loyalty she she shows you.


If she treats you like a King and her one special Hunk'a Burn'n Love, then it's all good.


But if she treats you like her servant and her fool, then you are up for the Chump Of The Year Award.


Well said, OP, this exactly, Mrs Cong needs to read this.

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Doesn't seem like she is gonna change.


You want it to change? Then it's up to you to change it.


Have you read her threads recently?


Man, have to tell you, the recent post are disrespectful. Almost flaunting.


Posters talking about your children, give me pause.


Imagine your daughters dressed up as her Avatar.


Following in her footsteps.


You must do everything to prevent this.


I was incorrect. Protect the children.

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Man, have to tell you, the recent post are disrespectful. Almost flaunting.


Posters talking about your children, give me pause.


Imagine your daughters dressed up as her Avatar.


Following in her footsteps.


You must do everything to prevent this.


I was incorrect. Protect the children.

What Posters? I only have one daughter and two sons with my wife my step daughter isn't my biological daughter.


No she can't. Very very few men would have her at all.


Yes, she could have unlimited sexual encounters with random strangers, but hardly any men would have her as a partner/GF/wife.


Random men would gladly have sex with here but none would take her home to mom, introduce her to friends and family, take her to the office picnic, take care of her when she's sick, love and raise and nurture her children, share a mortgage, car payments and financial instruments with her, walk through the park holding hands and talking about nothing in particular with her.


No other men will do her laundry, mow her lawn, fix her car, unclog her toilet or anything else that will make her life more rich, enjoyable or comfortable unless there is a blowjob in it for them.


In other words you are either a rare gem and her one special snowflake, or you are the world's biggest chump.


What spells the difference between the two is how she treats you and how much respect, admiration, love and loyalty she she shows you.


If she treats you like a King and her one special Hunk'a Burn'n Love, then it's all good.


But if she treats you like her servant and her fool, then you are up for the Chump Of The Year Award.

It's funny you made me think of these moments with my wife one where she got sick and I took care of her the whole time she was putting up a fight saying she could take care of herself I just looked at her and said "Shut up and let me take care of you."


Another time I remember was earlier in our marriage he broke a plate and cut herself I came because I heard it and saw she'd cut herself pretty bad but she was more afraid of me seeing the mess for some reason and was surprised when I was more concerned about her. After these two things happened she changed before she was very entitled and selfish. Though that didn't change completely she started acting more like a nineteen fifties house wife always in those old sitcoms or something.


I think she was acting out of guilt and was trying to be what I once told her I thought was the perfect ideal wife. To be fair I grew up in a traditional house hold and well you probably get the idea. It's funny she really was the perfect stereotypically trophy wife she tried to be the wife I always thought I wanted. The funny thing is that's what I started to resent for some reason no matter how hard she tried to be perfect I kept feeling more an more repulsed. I admit the moment I found out the truth that was originally a mark and she was using me I was so angry and I confronted her. Yet I was so releived to see this side of her that I had never seen before she showed me she was angry selfish and not this fake person.


I think and I know this sounds strange that even though she's incredibly flawed and the last person I should be with. I mean I grew up in a family of cops and lawyers and was told to always marry a nice wholesome girl from a good family. My wife does not fit that description.


She is selfish, rude, blunt, vain, obnoxious, and deeply flawed but whenever I think of reasons to divorce her I think about her most memorable moment. It's memorable because she doesn't think I know about it.


A little bit ago I was in a wreck and woke up in a hospital and she dropped what she was doing. She thinks I know only a bit of the story but I actually know everything. She was in a session and found out I had been in a wreck. She litterally came immediately to see me and the following happened she left a client in a the most uncomfortable position, showed up in the most revealing outfit you could imagine with only a coat to cover herself, and she left her car door open with the key still in the ignition(a nurse told me about this appaenlty it stuck out like sore thumb) and it was snowing and below zero.


She even got a phone call where her boss called her and screamed her head off over what happened with the client (which is how I found out about it) and all the while I'm pretending not to be awake just because this was a very new side of her. Also if you had a spouse who always acted stuck up and materialistic and suddenly showed a surprisingly human side trust me you'd want savor every moment.


I remember her acting tough in the begginning saying "Look don't think I'm going to cry because I'm not." I remember catching glimpses of her starting to cry and trying really hard not to an she starts saying "You don't get to leave me and the kids. You know I'm not the morally grounded one. If your gone whose going to teach them right from wrong because we both no my morals are beyond jacked up I mean I should be arrested for indecent exposure with this outfit and that's not counting the million trafic laws I broke to get here. If your gone whose going to be my cricket?" She calls me her personal Jimini Cricket sometimes I use to think it was an insult now I know differently.


Then I remember the nurse asking her to leave because while she was covered by a coat her outfit was very revealing. She came back a half hour later completely composed and believing I had just woken up. She has no idea I know she dropped everything and did all that.


That's the thing about being with her she's very flawed so flawed most wouldn't want to be with her but shes very sweet in her own way. Like she was always getting on me about keeping up with meds after the accident but would would always act tough like "Hey don't be an idiot you need to take your meds."


That's what is difficult I think of all the reasons I shouldn't be with her then I remember those moments. Those moments when she was surprisingly human.

Your wife seems to think you two have come to an agreement about this issue.


Is that true? What is the agreement?

It was something we came up with around the time I let her come back. It was basically a don't ask don't tell policy. However the issue resurfaced when some kids in my step daughter's high school well I'm sure you guy's know about that.


I guess what I'm saying is I'm torn on one hand I feel like for my career and kids I should leave her. On the other hand I feel I'm being judgemental and not being fair because she and I are like two halves of the same whole. She say's I'm like her conscience and I often consider her to be my and I've never told her this but she's my ambition, guts, and oddly (and I know how weird this is going to sound) she's my balls. Seriously I've only come as far in my career because she's egged me on she's the reason I even started to think big (I've considered politics)in the first place.


What's the right decision? I mean she's clean and while her job isn't socially acceptable and she's not exactly a prostitute I know it will likely have a negative impact on my job one day. I also keep thinking that it will have a negative impact on the kids one day.


So again I'm completely at a loss of what to do. I apologize if none of this makes sense or isnt consistent I'm very tired I've been pulling a lot of all nighters.

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whenever I think of reasons to divorce her I think about her most memorable moment. It's memorable because she doesn't think I know about it.


A little bit ago I was in a wreck and woke up in a hospital and she dropped what she was doing. She thinks I know only a bit of the story but I actually know everything. She was in a session and found out I had been in a wreck. She litterally came immediately to see me and the following happened she left a client in a the most uncomfortable position, showed up in the most revealing outfit you could imagine with only a coat to cover herself, and she left her car door open with the key still in the ignition(a nurse told me about this appaenlty it stuck out like sore thumb) and it was snowing and below zero.


She even got a phone call where her boss called her and screamed her head off over what happened with the client (which is how I found out about it) and all the while I'm pretending not to be awake just because this was a very new side of her. Also if you had a spouse who always acted stuck up and materialistic and suddenly showed a surprisingly human side trust me you'd want savor every moment.



a normal woman does these things naturally all the time, 24/7 not just once.

Edited by oldshirt
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Moxie Lady
A little bit ago I was in a wreck and woke up in a hospital and she dropped what she was doing. She thinks I know only a bit of the story but I actually know everything. She was in a session and found out I had been in a wreck. She litterally came immediately to see me and the following happened she left a client in a the most uncomfortable position, showed up in the most revealing outfit you could imagine with only a coat to cover herself, and she left her car door open with the key still in the ignition(a nurse told me about this appaenlty it stuck out like sore thumb) and it was snowing and below zero.


She even got a phone call where her boss called her and screamed her head off over what happened with the client (which is how I found out about it) and all the while I'm pretending not to be awake just because this was a very new side of her. Also if you had a spouse who always acted stuck up and materialistic and suddenly showed a surprisingly human side trust me you'd want savor every moment.


I think you dont have a clue what a normal marriage is because this is what any wife does. Minus the part about leaving her client in an "uncomfortable position" and wearing the embarrassing prostitute outfit to the hospital.


What's the right decision? I mean she's clean and while her job isn't socially acceptable and she's not exactly a prostitute I know it will likely have a negative impact on my job one day. I also keep thinking that it will have a negative impact on the kids one day.


It already is having a negative impact on your kids. They arent dumb.


I cant even imagine what you are thinking about. In your shoes I would be out of there, it would be all about my kids. Also in her shoes I would have given up that job a long time ago for the sake of you and her kids. The fact that she hasnt is very telling: it means more to her than her own family. I would be out of there yesterday.

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I am in agreement with Oldshirt and the others however, I see one flaw in your reasoning....If you leave her, she will always be your kids mom. What are they saying about the situation? I wouldn't solicit answers from them but....do you see them acting embarrassed in general about her or have they circled the wagons to protect the family.


Just looking for the dynamics with the kiddos.

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You just have to wonder what kind of 'mother' makes a living as a dominatrix.


About 7-8 years ago, I was with a friend in a local tavern having a drink after work (in truth, she was having a drink and I was having coffee..lol). A woman kept staring at me and I thought maybe she thought she knew me or maybe she just liked women. But it was unnerving.


When I got up to go to the ladies room, she actually stood up to talk to me as I passed by her table. She told me I was gorgeous and asked if I had any experience bartending and I told her I knew so little about liquor that it was actually embarrassing. I couldn't figure out what the hell she was talking about until she told me she was the manager of the nudie bar a couple miles down the highway and asked me if I'd consider being a bartender there because I'd make a lot of money. She even said I didn't have to be partially nude like the dancers. WTF? I actually laughed and thanked her for the compliment but told her I couldn't take her up on her offer of employment. I mean, how could my 22 year old son ever really respect me if I did something like that?


My point is, even though my son at the time was already a grown adult, I was still aware of the fact that I had to set a decent example for him. And spending your day grinding your 6" stiletto heels into some old pervert's nuts while he pays for the 'privilege' is hardly setting a shining example for your kids. It's obvious she has no self respect, that ship sailed a long long time ago.


And if your BEST memory is her leaving some clown hanging in a compromising position to rush to the hospital, wearing a coat over her finest leather fetish-ware, then that speaks volumes. And none of it good.


That's like being tossed a couple of crumbs and trying desperately to make a 7-course meal out of it.

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No she can't. Very very few men would have her at all.


Yes, she could have unlimited sexual encounters with random strangers, but hardly any men would have her as a partner/GF/wife.


Random men would gladly have sex with here but none would take her home to mom, introduce her to friends and family, take her to the office picnic, take care of her when she's sick, love and raise and nurture her children, share a mortgage, car payments and financial instruments with her, walk through the park holding hands and talking about nothing in particular with her.


No other men will do her laundry, mow her lawn, fix her car, unclog her toilet or anything else that will make her life more rich, enjoyable or comfortable unless there is a blowjob in it for them.


In other words you are either a rare gem and her one special snowflake, or you are the world's biggest chump.


What spells the difference between the two is how she treats you and how much respect, admiration, love and loyalty she she shows you.


If she treats you like a King and her one special Hunk'a Burn'n Love, then it's all good.


But if she treats you like her servant and her fool, then you are up for the Chump Of The Year Award.


This. Most men are not going to want a serious relationship with a sex worker....especially if she has the audacity to be cruel to them on top of it.


Time to reclaim your power and think of your children. Your wife is not going to change her profession or her behavior.

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I am in agreement with Oldshirt and the others however, I see one flaw in your reasoning....If you leave her, she will always be your kids mom. What are they saying about the situation? I wouldn't solicit answers from them but....do you see them acting embarrassed in general about her or have they circled the wagons to protect the family.


Just looking for the dynamics with the kiddos.

We have three children together two boys and one girl. The oldest is ten. None of them really know whats going on. As far as they know there is no reason for us to break up. I fear if I kick her out they'll think it's for no reason. I mean other then her job(which is having a negative impact) everything is good. I keep thinking about how I receive death threats at work (my work involves the law)because of my job but my wife still stays with me. Part of me feels I should do the same.

You just have to wonder what kind of 'mother' makes a living as a dominatrix.


About 7-8 years ago, I was with a friend in a local tavern having a drink after work (in truth, she was having a drink and I was having coffee..lol). A woman kept staring at me and I thought maybe she thought she knew me or maybe she just liked women. But it was unnerving.


When I got up to go to the ladies room, she actually stood up to talk to me as I passed by her table. She told me I was gorgeous and asked if I had any experience bartending and I told her I knew so little about liquor that it was actually embarrassing. I couldn't figure out what the hell she was talking about until she told me she was the manager of the nudie bar a couple miles down the highway and asked me if I'd consider being a bartender there because I'd make a lot of money. She even said I didn't have to be partially nude like the dancers. WTF? I actually laughed and thanked her for the compliment but told her I couldn't take her up on her offer of employment. I mean, how could my 22 year old son ever really respect me if I did something like that?


My point is, even though my son at the time was already a grown adult, I was still aware of the fact that I had to set a decent example for him. And spending your day grinding your 6" stiletto heels into some old pervert's nuts while he pays for the 'privilege' is hardly setting a shining example for your kids. It's obvious she has no self respect, that ship sailed a long long time ago.


And if your BEST memory is her leaving some clown hanging in a compromising position to rush to the hospital, wearing a coat over her finest leather fetish-ware, then that speaks volumes. And none of it good.


That's like being tossed a couple of crumbs and trying desperately to make a 7-course meal out of it.

Your right but the reason I told that story was to explain that even though she can be selfish, a brat, and she's not good at letting her feelings show but she can be there in the ways that count. Before that happened I was planning on leaving her because I thought she didn't care about anyone but herself. I realized I was wrong after that.


Also she didn't just leave him in an comfortable position. He was from what I understand locked in a confined space and completely had a panic attack and was a complete mess after being in their so long. Wow I just realized the most romantic thing my wife has probably ever done was risk serious harm to another human being just to see if I was alright.

This. Most men are not going to want a serious relationship with a sex worker....especially if she has the audacity to be cruel to them on top of it.


Time to reclaim your power and think of your children. Your wife is not going to change her profession or her behavior.

I am thinking of the kids literally this is the main issue(her job) but it's the only problem. Also I don't want to say to them when their older "Sorry I left her because I didn't like her job." I feel like divorcing her for that would be terrible. I mean a lot of women would leave me because of what I do.

Edited by MrCongeniality
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The more the both of you write, the worse this story gets.


Good luck

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I have to admit I know nothing about the BDSM world. How is this not prostitution and is it even legal?


If he were to divorce her and bring this to the court's attention during custody discussion, would she even have access to the children in the event of a divorce?


How is this different from a meth whore blowing johns in the back parking lot of a strip club?

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We have three children together two boys and one girl. The oldest is ten. None of them really know whats going on. As far as they know there is no reason for us to break up. I fear if I kick her out they'll think it's for no reason. I mean other then her job(which is having a negative impact) everything is good. I keep thinking about how I receive death threats at work (my work involves the law)because of my job but my wife still stays with me. Part of me feels I should do the same.


Your right but the reason I told that story was to explain that even though she can be selfish, a brat, and she's not good at letting her feelings show but she can be there in the ways that count. Before that happened I was planning on leaving her because I thought she didn't care about anyone but herself. I realized I was wrong after that.


Also she didn't just leave him in an comfortable position. He was from what I understand locked in a confined space and completely had a panic attack and was a complete mess after being in their so long. Wow I just realized the most romantic thing my wife has probably ever done was risk serious harm to another human being just to see if I was alright.


I am thinking of the kids literally this is the main issue(her job) but it's the only problem. Also I don't want to say to them when their older "Sorry I left her because I didn't like her job." I feel like divorcing her for that would be terrible. I mean a lot of women would leave me because of what I do.


Your wife's attitude is also a serious problem. Her selfishness and disrespect is not going to magically disappear if she quits the job. Also, you aren't asking your wife to quit a typical position. You are asking her to leave sex work which is generally unsuitable for spouses and parents.


It looks like you're living in denial and romanticizing this situation based on your wife leaving someone in restraints.

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