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Boyfriends Calling habits

Dandy Dee Dee

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Dandy Dee Dee

What do you do when you have been dating this guy for about 5 mths, but you're doing most of the calling. Oh yeah we are 1hr 1/2 apart, and yes he has phone cards sometimes. I just wonder is he taking me for granted and think i will put up with not hearing from him everyday or what? Usually when i get tired of waiting for him to call i will call him, maybe thats where the problem is, he knows i will call him anyway, i dont know :( We are together everyweekend b/c i am in school ft and he works ft. When we are together on the weeekends its great. What do i do about him not calling much? I am pretty for sure theres no one elese, but at this point i dont know what to think , please help. Dee Dee

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I have the exact same problem now, but it is the other way around. I want to call her alot, but she doesn't call near as often as what I do.


I would call him twice just to see how things are going and maybe make some plans. Then after the second call, don't call him again. He will begin wondering why you haven't called yet and maybe if you keep this up, he will miss you calling and start calling himself.


Hope this helps.



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I am in the same situation, ive been seeing this guy for 7 months and when we first met he called me like 6 times a day, which i thought was cute. we still talk to each other every day. But recently he hasent been calling, so I figured I would call him, ive been calling him all the time now. Not as much as I liked. Cause in my head, well if i dont call him I know he wont call me.


I really wonder if you call less if it would work, it worked for me a couple of months ago, but it hasent worked now. and Im confused of what to do, cause I like this guy alot, and I dont know what the problem is

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well look - if you stop calling and he doesn't start wondering where you disappeared to, the guy is definitely either taking u for granted or simply not interested in you anymore...

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